Imagine 26 million people locked without escape.
That is EXACTLY what happened last year in one of China’s biggest and most prominent cities, Shanghai.
And it was all because of its COVID-zero policy.
But the scale of President Xi’s quarantine measures wasn’t the scariest part.
It was the unthinkable power China’s Communist Party (CCP) was able to exert over its people with technology.
Last year, I revealed how the CCP effectively used drones with facial recognition tech to track down infringers:
“Like sci-fi cops, drones and robot dogs equipped with facial recognition tech are zipping around the city. They are ordering residents to “control the soul’s desire for freedom” and comply with lockdown rules.”
Those who didn’t comply took a hit to their “social credit score” and digital wallets:
“Those who don’t obey are evicted to” quarantine centers.” They lose their social credit scores. And, according to a taken-down popular Twitter account, some are “fined directly from digital CBDCs [central bank digital currency] wallets.”
Meanwhile, everything was kept quiet via all-out internet censorship.
Via The Chinese Project:
“Since the outbreak began in Shanghai, so many people have spoken out in the past month. However, the majority of these voices were quickly wiped off the Chinese internet and people have grown numb to the situation as time went by,” the creator of the video, who introduced himself as a filmmaker named Cary, wrote in a WeChat post.”
While you may think this can’t happen on our side of the world, think again.
Canada’s government has already introduced a bill to control what Canadians see and hear.
“…Bill C-11 gives the CRTC unprecedented regulatory authority to monitor all online audiovisual content. This power extends to penalizing content creators and platforms and through them, content creators that fail to comply.
…According to the government, Bill C-11 will ‘increase visibility’ for some officially recognized Canadian content creators– but their tool for doing this is manipulating our playlists, feeds, and algorithmic recommendations.
This means that the CRTC will be picking winners and losers, forcing some officially recognized content ‘up’ in feeds and recommendations, while downranking or hiding other content we’d otherwise receive.”
But while it may seem this is what voters wanted when Trudeau was re-elected, unlike Xi Jinping in China, it’s not the government that truly rules the West.
Let me explain.
Stage 1: State Affiliated Media
Consider Twitter.
Last November, Musk shelled out $44 billion to free the West’s most important social network from the kind of censorship that, according to recent studies, determined the last two elections.
Musk’s Twitter gave hope. But fast forward to today, Musk seems to be admitting defeat.
He’s pledged to resign, reporting a “massive” hit to revenue and warning the company could go bankrupt. And despite all the hassle, Twitter was still forced to bow to the government.
As a “f*ck this” gesture, Musk finally slapped “State Affiliated Media” on his Twitter bio. When asked why, he bluntly responded that Twitter is just that, and so it “should have that label.”
So, what happened?
Why did this historic free speech experiment slow down so fast?
Did Musk bite off more than he could chew? Or was it the government’s doing?
After all, Musk’s takeover ruffled more than a few feathers on Capitol Hill.
And the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) was immediately ordered to probe Twitter.
But for all its threats, the government didn’t take any material action against Musk or Twitter. In fact, CFIUS hasn’t even opened the investigation yet.
What really killed Twitter was Corporate America and it’s ultimate master, Wall Street.
Think about it.
What happened immediately after Musk took over Twitter?
The world’s largest public companies, from Apple to Coca-Cola to Pfizer (for obvious reasons), pulled their ads – choking Twitter’s only real source of revenue.
According to a recent report, 500 of America’s largest corporations have pulled ad dollars from Twitter.
Via The Information:
“A senior Twitter manager told employees that the company’s daily revenue on Tuesday was 40% lower than the same day a year ago, underscoring the crisis facing its core ads business, according to a person with direct knowledge.
In a staff meeting on Tuesday, Siddharth Rao, an engineering manager overseeing the engineers working on Twitter’s ad business, also told employees in a presentation that more than 500 of Twitter’s top advertisers have paused spending on Twitter since Elon Musk took over in October.”
Currently, Twitter likely doesn’t generate enough cash to even cover interest payments. And it’s burning $4 million every day, leaving Musk little time to change Twitter’s business model.
It seems the only way to keep the blue bird afloat is for Musk to sell more equity:
If Wall Street keeps at it, by the time Twitter gets out of this hole—if ever— Musk may have to dilute himself to a minority shareholder.
Who then will dictate the curation of information and semantics of “free speech”?
That’s right, those who hold a majority stake — the elites.
Stage 2: Artificial Intelligence
If the control of speech isn’t enough of a psyop to control the people, there’s Artificial Intelligence (AI).
As discussed in “More Powerful than Meta, Google, and Twitter. Combined:”
“Most people get AI wrong. They think of it as this cool tool that can write you an essay or a block of code from scratch.”
That’s astoundingly narrow-minded.
Because in the grand scheme of things, AI isn’t as much of a tool as it is a source of information.
For ChatGPT-like AI to piece together an essay, it has to scour the web, collect petabytes of information, sort through it all, and then present it in concise, human-like prose.
That means AI tools like ChatGPT have an inherent curation algorithm—and, inevitably, a bias – just like Bill C-11 in Canada is attempting to accomplish.
And since AI will soon become a staple reference in journalism and academia, this bias will feed into every piece of news or even peer-reviewed literature.
Via Nature:
“And Alex Zhavoronkov, chief executive of Insilico Medicine, an AI-powered drug-discovery company in Hong Kong, credited ChatGPT as a co-author of a perspective article in the journal Oncoscience last month. He says that his company has published more than 80 papers produced by generative AI tools. “We are not new to this field,” he says.”
When Musk founded OpenAI (the creator of ChatGPT), he feared exactly this scenario.
He knew AI would become too powerful to be owned by any single entity. So he strived to build an open-source AI that would be accessible to everyone.
Unfortunately, as I wrote last time, when OpenAi developed ChatGPT and realized the power of AI, Musk was kicked out (or left?), and the company became a for-profit entity.
The official version is that he left because he “didn’t agree with some of what [the] OpenAI team wanted to do.”
Now we know what he refused to condone.
This month, a long-rumored deal closed when Microsoft bought a 49% stake in OpenAI for $10 billion.
Microsoft will pocket 75% of OpenAI profits until it recoups its original investment. After that, it will be the single biggest shareholder in OpenAI.
In other words, Musk’s dream of open-source AI is officially dead.
Microsoft will now own an influential chunk of OpenAI, and who knows how Bill Gates will exploit.
Is the timing and language of Canada’s Bill C11 coinciding with the release of ChatGPT to the public a coincidence?
After all, word is that Bill Gates and Trudeau are very close…
But that’s not all.
Google will soon release its own AI chatbot alternative to ChatGPT called LaMDA.
Just like social media, AI and its algorithms will be dictated by Silicon Valley technocrats and, thus, their views.
And don’t think for one second that ChatGPT is an advanced AI – it’s not.
It’s only what the public is allowed access to at this time. And that means far more powerful AI already exists.
Meanwhile, all the mainstream media care about is how students will cheat on their papers.
With control of both speech and information, what could be next for the elites to control?
Stage 3: The Digital Dollar
Following in China’s footsteps, the Fed is scrambling to launch its own central bank digital currency (CBDC). And as we previously exposed, it is designed to be as tyrannical as Xi Jinping’s e-Yuan.
For example, the digital dollar would potentially allow the Fed to become the only depository institution.
Via “The End of the Monetary System As We Know It”:
“In theory, the central bank could simply issue and distribute money directly to citizens. They could even hold and control digital dollars directly—and maintain reserves that back that liability.
So, a digital dollar could, in principle, cut out depository institutions entirely.”
In other words, not only would the Fed create money, it could selectively distribute that money, opening up many possibilities for some neo-fiscal policy.
Via “The Fed’s Biggest Problem: Solved”:
“If the Fed had the technology to replace cash, it would no longer need brick-and-mortar gatekeepers.
Instead, it could introduce digital dollar tokens, disintermediate commercial banks, and control all currency in circulation.
The implications are endless.
In theory, the Fed could pursue some kind of neo-fiscal policy (for lack of a better word). As a “wholesale lender,” it could fund select companies and organizations without commercial banks or even the backing of Congress.
…For example, the government can suddenly deduct a “tax” from your savings to fight climate change. Or punish the unvaccinated with “health insurance surcharges.” Or even straight up freeze digital wallets to censor opinions…”
Unaudited, unelected, and unaccounted for.
With all of this power via unlimited amounts of money, the Fed – or the people behind it – could very well be the true elites. And people as influential as Gates could even be their puppets.
Which brings us back to the kicker of this story.
Freedom to Choose the Options They Give
You are led to believe that the democratically elected two chambers and the Oval office govern America, and the Liberals govern Canada.
But do they?
Or are they just puppets of Wall Street, who, in turn, may just be a puppet of the Fed?
If you think that’s too far-fetched, remember: Wall Street owns the biggest stake in 96% of America’s biggest companies. And there’s hard evidence they used that voting power to influence corporate policies that favor their interests.
Can you imagine the power “they” will wield with AI and the digital dollar, combined with the indoctrination of society through media control?
We’re living in a technocratic oligarchy. And we don’t even know it.
If you want to survive and prosper, your best bet is to follow the big money.
And there’s no one bigger than the Fed.
This is why we have been telling you over and over again to follow the Fed – it is your most accurate market indicator.
From there, it’s filtered to the puppets.
And the puppets have been on a buying spree of farmland, AI, green energy, and everything else related to the new dystopian world.
Seek the truth and be prepared,
Carlisle Kane
Your article is disturbing. Your ideas about the control of speech and media are disturbing. However, you have definitely proven your argument that the elites, primarily Wall Street, are in charge and intend to enslave all citizens around the World, who will no longer have any control over their destiny. All of this flies into the face of destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights. If this is true, then I am glad that I’m in my 80’s and on the way out.
As I said ina comment on your “four thousand trillion dollar opportunity” piece, there’s only one way to fix all of this and get the world back to normal. And that is to elect a President with real courage and to then immediately enact Martial Law.
This means that first we need to accept that elections are in fact rigged, because this has been proven (to those of you asleep) and press Congress for change to paper ballots, ID photo required and no voting machines.
And elect Ron DeSantis because he’s the only real courage prospect. Trump just isn’t, period.
Trump will not win. He is a total distraction with too much baggage and besides Libs will never leave him alone. So he’s toast.
Martial Law allows the best scenarios. It bypasses the corrupt bias leftist whacko judges who have literally gotten away with extremely biased rulings which have cemented moral decay and unfairness in all social structures including educational norms now corrupted with absolutely sinful Transgender issues, silenced parents, bullshit made up racial equity and other extreme leftist propaganda that has brainwashed the less fortunate and less normal capable thinking fools in the world.
No one speaks of the judges.
But they have caused RUIN.
Martial Law allows instant fixes by allowing Military to become the providers of balance. We only need Military leaders like Mark Millie the wimp that he is, and Lloyd Austin another corrupt piece of sh*t… replaced, which would be done BEFORE declaration of Martial Law.
They need there money take from them!!
Your click bait title and beginning about the “problems in chinah” is exactly the sort of thing you “criticize” musky and the B’BS’C presstitutes of doing… Well boys and girls, you best worry about what’s really happening in your own back yards – especially the “united” states of murica and king-CONNED-om…
Trudeau loves CHINA and want to Implement a DICTATORSHIP equivalent in Canada
You dont know that the Fed has been dismantled!!!!!! What is happening is all controlled by a world military Alliance. You guys are still part of the Matrix Lol There will be no more Fed ..Everything is optics until revealed to the public If you follow thweFed you will like blind leading the blind into the ditch.. WAKE UP!!
What? Are you still believing the ‘Q is going to save us’ nonsense? Get ready for the Tribulation!
So while I disagree with much that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government in Ottawa does, I have just finished reading the current draft of Bill C-11 ( and, while I’m not a lawyer, I cannot see anything in it that could be interpreted in the general and alarmist way implied by the quote you reproduced from The Bill is mainly aimed at ensuring that holders of broadcasting licences ensure the availability of content in aboriginal and both official languages, and reflect racial and cultural diversity, including gender identification. Some may say it’s unnecessary, but it is a huge stretch to call it an infringement on freedom of expression. Online content, specifically that posted to social media sites by individuals, is specifically excluded from having to comply. Now of course we know from the Twitter files that Governments – at least the US Government – will find ways to delete or influence posted content regardless of whether or not there is legislation that permits such actions. It seems to me that it is not so much the legislation, such as Bill C-11, that actually gets passed, which is unlikely to be so dystopian, but rather the regulations that would hold Government agencies to account for attempting to control the content of public discourse, that require attention and enforcement. I invite you to Bill C-11 at the link I provided above and let me know which Section I may have overlooked. I don’t think I have. I am all for criticizing officialdom when it is justified, but to do so in a credible way, we have to be sure of our facts and just not blindly repeat the alarming things we might run across. If we don’t get our facts straight, it simply plays into the hands of those who might wish to censor and mislead. If we aren’t credible, nobody will believe us when it really matters.
So what do the regular people do now? And how long will it take the leaders to institute their control over us? (Actually, they don’t rule over me, God is my ruler through faith in Jesus Christ.). But they do rule in the world, howbeit, quite with monstrous evil intent!
I think you should stop referring to your site as an investment newsletter.
After all, word is that Bill Gates and Trudeau are very close…
Where’s the word from? Why do you have so many sources for other quotes in the article but then randomly say something and justify it with “word is”
Anyways back when you used to recommend companies,
The hapbee works it’s really awesome thanks for that one.