This Cartel Runs Everything

How the world’s biggest cartel operates in secret to control everything – including politics.

The most important election in modern history is just a few months away.

But do you know what you are really voting for?

More importantly, who is really in charge?

While it may be hard to grasp society’s hierarchy on such a massive scale, a small group of individuals and families controls almost every aspect of our lives.

We are the consumers, and they are the suppliers of EVERYTHING we consume.

That means no matter what’s happening in the stock market, where housing prices are, or who you vote for, they always win.

This isn’t some fear-mongering conspiracy. It’s how the world works.

To understand this, let’s go back to a letter we wrote last month.

Via King of the Chessboard:

“This is just a small glimpse of one company and its global cartel involvement, (laying) the foundation for understanding who is really in charge.

The culmination of the multitude of agreements was a transnational coalition of industrial and financial interests controlling vast global economic sectors. Their covert operations and strategic partnerships exemplify the true power structures behind economic systems, manipulating government policies and even scientific narratives to protect their interests.

While I.G. Farben has since been “dismantled” after World War II, many of the same cartel agreements exists today by many of the same players.

This alone is evidence of powerful alliances that still exist today and clearly shows how the industrial and financial elite wield enormous influence over every sector, including the health and well-being of global populations through Big Pharma.

We did not dive into Big Pharma in this Letter, but a glance at the organizations funding global health research will reveal many of the same players.

Together, they shape medical research, government policies, and even public perceptions.

The historical context in this Letter reveals a pattern of control and manipulation that persists today, highlighting the importance of questioning dominant narratives and seeking independent verification of purported truths.

So, while you think democracy and freedom exist, the bigger the government, the less free you are.

Every time you hear the government is here to help, they are only helping the ultra-rich through policies.

Just think about Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act or Trudeau’s massive spending spree. How have they helped citizens at all? Where did the money go?

Simply put, to the ultra-rich cartels.

In other words, through thousands of cartel agreements, the ultra-rich – the kings of the chessboard – continue to maintain complete global control by concentrating government power into the hands of a few.

It’s much easier to influence a few government officials than billions of citizens.”

That last line is important.

In the context of our previous letter, a cartel is a group of companies run by a small group of people who work together to avoid competition with each other.

This allows them to dominate markets without ever losing power and control.

This is an extremely important concept.

When one small group controls most of the world’s production – regardless of industry – you have the opposite of a capitalist society.

You have a monopoly—a term that’s often viewed as capitalistic but is actually the complete opposite.

The motivation behind a cartel is simple: why compete against each other when you can control everything together?

If a truly free capitalist market existed, a price cut by one company would lead to lower prices for everything in the same industry Just ask any gas station that operates on opposite corners of a street.

That means prices should be getting lower, not higher – and thus, inflation should be subdued.

Yet, inflation has continued to climb – year after year.

Just take a look at the purchasing power of the US dollar over the last century.

While it appears that, based on this chart, inflation has settled down since 1990, think again.

It only looks like that because the US dollar has lost so much value relative to goods.

Take a look when you zoom in over the last 35 years.

While economists and experts will have you believe this is due to global trade, efficiency, and a healthy and steady inflation rate, they couldn’t be more wrong.

If things were more efficient, things would cost less – not more.

The root cause isn’t supply and demand, or even monetary policy. The root cause is the cartel – everything else just adds more fuel.

As mentioned in our brief history lesson of I.G. Fabren in our previous letter, King of the Chessboard, the cartel controlled everything from chemicals, transportation, commodities, oil and gas, drugs, and even the banking system.

In other words, the best way for the cartel to escape from free enterprise and protect their interest is to eradicate free enterprise and make everyone poor.

And what’s the best way to do that? Control the government.

Take, for example, the climate change agenda – one that has existed for decades. This isn’t something new.

We’ve been told for years that if we don’t stop this or that, the world will be gone.

Most recently, we were told that those who didn’t take the COVID vaccine would either die or kill others.

Yet, I bet you know FAR more unvaccinated people who are still alive than dead from COVID.

The question is, where do these narratives come from? Purely science? Who funds these reports and research?

The answer is right in front of our faces.

A simple search of those who are backing and funding these agendas are not hard to find.

In a future Letter, we’ll reveal more factual truths by publishing the breadcrumbs for you to follow.

For now, it’s important you understand the basic concept of power.

The Best Return on Investment

When it comes to business and investments, the most important thing is getting a good rate of return.

And there is no better rate of return than influencing and controlling the government.

If a cartel can invest a few million dollars in politics, such as lobbying to bring about regulation and tariffs on the auto sector, it can produce returns on the original investment many times over.

What may appear to benefit the people, such as saving the world from rising temperatures or death from a virus, is simply a means of using the government to fight cartel competitors.

However, government intervention used to kill competition doesn’t only come from tariffs and regulations. It can come directly from your pocket in the form of taxpayer money sent to the cartel.

For example, in Canada, the Liberals, under the guise of creating jobs, have given some of the biggest automakers nearly $60 billion.

One look at who owns these automakers and you’ll see the roots of the organized cartel.

The US, under Biden’s Democrats, has also dished out hundreds of billions – with another plan to dish out another $1.6 trillion in “green energy” investments.

Think about it this way.

Suppose the cartel spends a few billion on media, lobbying, research, etc., on the consequences of climate change but gets trillions of dollars back directly from taxpayers through the government. In that case, that’s a great return on investment!

Get the picture yet?

But that’s not all.

The government can regulate more than just commerce – it can regulate every aspect of our lives: the food we eat, the drugs we take, and even how we raise our kids.

Just ask California’s Governor Newsom, who recently signed SB 107 into law.

Via Family Freedom Project:

“The law allows judges in CA to terminate custody of parents living in their states if the parent’s child shows up in CA seeking gender transition treatments without parental knowledge or consent.

SB 107, which passed the California legislature with overwhelming support, empowers the State of California to effectively reach into families’ homes in all 50 states.

Under this law, a child from another state who runs away to California or is transported there with the help of another will be able to obtain gender reassignment care and even reassignment surgery without the consent or knowledge of the child’s parents back home.

Even more insidiously, the bill empowers California judges to remove custody from the child’s parents.

In divorce cases, a parent about to lose custody of their child could abscond to California, give their child cross-sex hormones, and win custody of the child under California law.

A minor who runs away from home in Texas and gets a ride to California could go through transition surgery without parental knowledge or consent, and the parents could lose custody of the child completely. Any non-parent could easily use the law to transport a child to California, have them surgically transitioned without parental knowledge or consent, and then win custody of the child.

Even if a child never visited California, they could obtain puberty blockers via telemedicine from a doctor in California, and the parents would be denied medical information about their child.”

But this power of government shouldn’t surprise anyone – one look back at “Covid-19” and this is immediately understood.

Just look at how the COVID lockdowns forced every small business to close their doors while the biggest companies in the world were allowed to remain open.

Therefore, big government is the cartel’s most natural ally. It can regulate industries, give money to whoever it chooses, and force citizens to comply with whatever it wants—to the cartel’s benefit.

Simply put, if big government is good for cartels, bigger is better, and total is best.

There are 23.5 million government employees in the US, representing 14.5% of all employed Americans.

In Canada, public sector employees represent more than 21% of employed Canadians, including self–employed workers.

Those are pretty sizeable governments.

It should come as no surprise that, throughout history, cartels have – in the background – funded and pushed totalitarian movements and regimes. This may be difficult to grasp at first, but historical texts are not hard to find.

They backed the Nazis in Germany, endorsed the Fascists in Italy, and even funded the Bolsheviks in Russia.

Today, they continue to be the driving force behind the nameless totalitarianism that is increasingly becoming a harsh reality in the Western World.

Don’t believe us?

Take, for example, Kamala Harris.

While right-leaning citizens often believe Harris to be a not-so-bright woman, she is much smarter than they think.

While she acts goofy and playful, her words have more meaning than what they often appear.

Most notably, her infamous line:

“What can be, unburdened by what has been.”

While many on the right view it as Harris trying to use pointless words to sound smart, there’s a much deeper meaning.

In fact, it’s downright scary.

It’s a line that suggests our old ways need to be destroyed; that history needs to be wiped out so that a new history can be written – unburdened by what has been.

It’s a similar ideology that extreme left-wing governments have often used to rally support.

Take Mao Zedong and the Marxist campaign to “Destroy the Four Olds and Cultivate the Four News.”

In order to achieve Mao’s Marxist objectives, people had to be “unburdened by what has been”; they had to remove history and start fresh.

Via Wikipedia:

“Destroy the Four Olds and Cultivate the Four News began in Beijing on August 19 during the “Red August”. Academic Alessandro Russo writes that the destruction of the Four Olds was an ambiguous campaign from the perspective of the Chinese Communist Party. He argues that in a time of increasing political pluralization, the Party sought to channel student activism towards obvious class enemies and less relevant objectives to make it easier for the Party to contain the situation.

The “re-naming” campaign

In Beijing, the name of the road where the embassy of the Soviet Union was stationed was changed to “Anti-revisionism Road.” The Peking Union Medical College Hospital, founded in 1921 by the Rockefeller Foundation, was re-named “Anti-Imperialist Hospital”.

In Huangpu district of Shanghai, the city’s commercial center, Red Guards tore down 93 percent of shop signboards, and renamed restaurants, schools and hospitals. Red Guards also took Nanjing Road as their revolutionary headquarters in Shanghai, renaming it the “Anti-Imperialism Street”.

Many people across China also changed their given names to revolutionary slogans, such as Zhihong (志红, “Determined Red”), Jige (继革, “Following the Revolution”) and Weidong (卫东, “Safeguard the Orient or Protect Mao”).”

The Bolsheviks (which would later become the Communist Party of the Soviet Union), led by leftist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, had a very similar agenda.

Via The Idea of Individual Liberation in Bolshevik Visions of the New Soviet Man:

“Among the promises the Bolsheviks made when they took power in Russia in 1917 was that they would create a new and higher form of human being to inhabit the Communist utopia they predicted.

For the Bolsheviks, more than for the Jacobins in France a century earlier, it was not enough ‘to begin the world over again’, in the sense of radically refashioning social and political institutions.’”

To achieve this, people had to be “unburdened” by the past – forget history and “begin the world over again.”

What many never talk about, however, is that the Bolsheviks were actually financed by Wall Street and the cartel.

Why would Wall Street, under the ideology of capitalism, fund such extreme left-wing movements?

Again, left-wing politics favour bigger governments.

Big government is good for cartels, bigger is better, and total is best.

Is it a coincidence that this “unburdening,” or removal of history, is exactly what we have seen across the United States in recent years? The destruction and vandalism of historical statues and sites – many through the channeling of student activism, just as Mao Zedong did.

Without the help of government, cartels would have a much harder time maintaining the monopoly they have today.

So, contrary to popular believe, those who actually own Wall Street and other big corporations – who collectively form a cartel at the top – are NOT about free enterprise and capitalism. They rely on the continued concentration of government power, and their goal is to achieve total government.

It may seem surprising that the “super rich” often support socialist policies, as they might be seen as having the most to lose. However, in a socialist system or any form of big government, competition and free enterprise are stifled. This creates an ideal environment for those in cartelized industries with strong political connections. They can enjoy higher profits and a position in the ruling class.

The progressive taxation that burdens the middle class does not concern them; their political influence allows them to create complex tax-exempt foundations, preserving and growing their wealth with minimal taxation. This is why, despite what you have been taught, monopolists can never be genuine capitalists.


This may seem as if we are favouring right over left or Trump over Harris (even though we didn’t talk about Trump).

Or it may even sound like we have some sort of agenda shrouded in conspiracy.

But I urge you to forget your political views for just a moment.

This may be difficult to grasp at first, but look at it from a different perspective.

Imagine someone who has never seen a chessboard before, stumbling upon a match between two skilled players. Without any knowledge of the game, they would be baffled by the seemingly random movements of the pieces.

Similarly, when we observe the actions of major corporations and government entities, we need to understand the underlying principles and motivations driving their actions so we can’tcan grasp why things unfold as they do and even discern the true nature of the events.

And the primary motivation is power.

As discussed earlier, cartels and monopolies emerge from a desire to avoid the challenges of a competitive free market. Over time, the most effective strategy to achieve this is by securing government support, often through the enactment of laws that favour certain businesses while disadvantaging their competitors.

Cartels and monopolies wouldn’t be able to thrive in an environment where the government’s role in the economy is minimal – there would simply be too much competition.

Yet, ironically, most citizens accept bigger government as they believe they’re electing a government that will put regulations in place that limit the power of these ruling corporations.

That’s why left-leaning governments are often filled with rich leaders who ironically shout slogans like “tax the rich.” Just ask Canada’s Rolex-wearing NDP leader.

The only truth to “taxing the rich” is that they are taxing the cartel competitors and citizens, while the elite aren’t taxed at all.

This can come in the form of offshore accounts and creative accounting, which only multi-billionaires have access to. Those we often consider rich, such as a successful entrepreneur with a Ferrari and a nice home, aren’t part of this elite equation—they don’t have access to the same level of tax havens that the elite truly have.

Taxing the rich is really just a way to stifle competition. Taxing the millionaires more means they will never be able to achieve enough success to compete with the multi-billionaires.

But tax avoidance isn’t the only way cartels win with government.

Just ask Volkswagen, who’s getting $20 billion from Canada’s Liberal government to “create jobs.” But what does that really look like?

In 2023, Volkswagen made €$23.2 billion in earnings before tax.

Canada represents 1.2% of all passenger cars delivered worldwide by Volkswagen.

So, let’s assume 1.2% of that €$23.2 billion (all things being equal) goes to Canada.

That’s €$279.6 million, or C$423 million.

Assume a 30% tax rate on the C$423 million.

That means Volkswagen might pay Canada $127 million per year in taxes.

It would take more than 157 years to recoup the $20 billion the Liberal government gave to Volkswagen.

Of course, the government argues that the investment and tax breaks given to Volkswagen will create 3000 jobs.

Let’s do some simple math again.

$20 billion to create 3000 jobs means every new job created will cost tax payers $6,666,666.

Tell me, are these new workers getting paid $6.6 million each?

Now do you understand?

Seek the truth and be prepared,

Carlisle Kane

Comments 12
  1. This is evil disguised as some woke ideology to promote a progressive insight, when it is divisiveness intended to keep the masses occupied in discord with each other and the pretense politicians may be listening. It’s horrific adults charged with defending children would so hopelessly abandon them to their underdeveloped emotions & minds. Soros, Schwab, Gates and the elites of the WEF are aiming to create their own Matrix and we the people are nothing more than a commodity for their use and consumption. These individuals are the Dark triad of psychology and represent the darkest of human intentions. The real question is how do you stop this tide of what only can be described as intentional decisions to cause hate, poorness, inequality, violence…

  2. Paranoia Big Destroyer – No wonder you didn’t mention Trump, there is no good just bad facts concerning him.

      1. … and there it is. Proof of what was just posited. Amazing. We live in an age when the obvious must constantly be re-stated. Tom, you are the penultimate example of the result of continual propaganda.

  3. Yes agreed, and in other words re: this is not just a New World Order cartel of the financial powerful, politically powerful and influential re: it’s rather an already established Current (Not New) World Order.

    I agree this is not a theory. Nor is this a made up or conjectured hypothesis of events. These players are very real and as you point out eloquently, organised.

    Sadly, as for the rest of us whom are not them we seem to be the pawns on their chess board to be used up.

    In chess the goal is to leave the opponent with no others moves possible called a checkmate.

    Let’s hope that we not in their club of financially powerful, influential or elite, can come up with necessary effective countermoves. We need to. A must.

    Otherwise re: to the victor go the spoils.

  4. Mr. Kane, thank you for another sobering truthful commentary. There was a time when a small group of religious power elites were threatened by a new kid in town. The successful argument promulgated by their leader argued that it was easier to expunge one man than the entire horde. Little did they know that the man on the cross would rise from his grave and inspire an ever increasing following that continues to undermine mass divisive hatred to this very day.

  5. I would like to see some names and pictures if possible. As long as it won’t get you in trouble, I would like to see the names and pictures of the Rothchild’s and the heads of these other cartels. They need to be brought out into the light, especially in America.

  6. Oh, I think she is much smarter than she acts. But I also think that she is incapable of making intelligent or insightful statements off the cuff. And I do not believe the citizens of the U.S. will back her socialist beliefs. So it is imperative for the Republicans to force her to impromptu statements, press conferences or interviews, and by all means debates so as to expose her true beliefs and abilities to those who don’t already know. Biden was/is incompetent (possibly through no fault of his own due to mental decline), and that’s scary. Obama was/is anti-American, fortunately was largely thwarted from his aims during his presidency. Hilary would have been Obama 2.0, without same level of smarts. Both very dangerous to our country, but ultimately survivable. Harris, now with Walz thrown in, is in my opinion the most dangerous threat to our country and our democracy I’ve seen in my lifetime. And I am 74 y/o.

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