King of the Chessboard: The Hidden Hand

This cartel is more powerful than anything you’ve ever witnessed.
The world is changing.
If you haven’t been around since World War II, I bet you’ve never felt as negative about our future as you have recently. And I bet you’ve never experienced so much societal aggression and division.
Sure, this can be blamed on social media, politics, wealth disparity, and even COVID.
But the reasons behind all of these feelings stem from who’s in control and what they’re planning.
In fact, we have been talking about this for years.
For example, we outlined the playbook for control in a 2017 Letter, “These Six Events Will Determine Your Future“:
1. Inflate: Make people feel good by giving them cheap money through Quantitative Easing (Q.E.) and low-interest rates – increase the money supply.
2. Deflate: Take the good feeling away by taking away cheap money through Quantitative Tightening (Q.T.) and higher rates – decrease the money supply.
3. Control: Subdue the population by taking their focus away from the real situation. Think media control; think the increase of opioid usage and the legalization of marijuana; think President Trump; think billionaire-funded protests.
4. Divide: Segregate society by inducing riots and hate crimes.
5. War: Mask the international financial and economic crisis through the rhetoric of war or even war itself.
6. Reset: Global economic reset will be blamed on war, not the monetary actions of the powerful elite.”
What stage do you think we’re at?
This isn’t a trick question.
1. Inflate: We’ve inflated for over a decade.
2. Deflate: Rising interest rates.
3. Control: I am sure you haven’t forgotten the lockdowns or things that followed, like the introduction of Canada’s Online Harms Bill.
4. Divide: If you’re white, you’re racist. If you’re Jewish…need we say more?
5. War: Russia, Ukraine, Israel-Hamas…
This leads us to the next stage: 6. Reset.
This reset can take several forms; from a reset of the financial system to a reset of politics—such as that in Argentina—or perhaps complete civil unrest in the near future after the U.S. elections.
While we can’t be certain of the details, we can be certain that there are people in high places playing chess with our lives. They are the kings, the bankers are the queen, politicians are rooks, rich elite are bishops, and celebrities are knights.

We are pawns.

While this may seem far-fetched, it’s exactly how the world works.

And all it takes to understand it is a little history lesson.
We’re about to uncover a tale of power, manipulation, and influence that stretches across continents and decades.
At the pinnacle of the economic and political hierarchy lies a coalition of financial, industrial, and political interests that has systematically worked against the people.
This faction, driven by its own self-serving objectives, has infiltrated every facet of our lives, from the media we consume to the drugs we take and to the things we learn.
Let us begin.
The Rise of a Behemoth
While climate change activists continue to protest against the use of oil, most people don’t realize that the primary raw material for many chemicals – including pharmaceuticals – is coal tar and crude oil.
For example, coal tar, in particular, is a key ingredient in the production of acetaminophen, a commonly used pain reliever and fever reducer—more commonly known under the brand Tylenol.
Crude oil is a source of hydrocarbons that can be refined to produce chemicals used in the production of various medicines, such as certain types of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibuprofen is a synthetic compound typically made from chemical precursors derived from petroleum.
The key to all of this is the chemical conversion of these resources.
In fact, nearly everything is made with chemicals or requires a chemical process – paint, computers, mining, you name it.
That means whoever controls the intellectual property for these chemical conversions also indirectly controls and has power over global affairs.
In other words, the engine of chemistry drives civilization, and its fuel is oil. Whereas gold once held the key to world power, oil has taken over, controlled by the same men who historically held gold.
Who are These Men?
In 1926, Hermann Schmitz, a German industrialist, and Eduard Greutert, director of the Deutsche Reichsbank and the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland, merged many chemical powerhouses to create I.G. Farben.

“I.G.” stands for “Interessen-Gemeinschaft,” meaning “community of interests” or “cartel,” while “Farben” translates to “dyes,” a term that deceptively encompasses the entire field of chemistry.

With operations in over ninety countries, it was the biggest chemical company in the world.

Thus, it controlled everything from the production of munitions to drugs.

Drugs offer the promise of health and longevity, while munitions have the opposite potential of death and destruction; chemistry controlled both life and death.

I.G. Farben, operating through foreign subsidiaries and secret tie-ups, was set to dominate the world.

While I.G. Farben had both direct and indirect control of some of the world’s most prominent players, it could not truly dominate on a global scale without dominating in the United States.
And in the United States, the biggest chemical company was DuPont.
Of course, DuPont—an American company—had resisted I.G. Farben’s cooperative ventures, knowing darn well that I.G. Farben wanted to be the dominant partner in every deal.
So, I.G. Farben created many “indirect” agreements with DuPont through its global subsidiaries, such as Winthrop Chemical, Imperial Chemical, and Mitsui, its cartel partner in Japan.
Still, these weren’t enough to give I.G. Farben favourable influence over the world’s chemicals and chemical processes—not with DuPont still operating independently.
But in 1929, something happened.
The Rockefeller Empire
That something was Standard Oil – founded and controlled by none other than the Rockefeller family.
Standard Oil struck agreements with I.G. Farben, which created a powerhouse that could seriously threaten DuPont’s reign.
The combination of these two goliaths presented DuPont with serious potential domestic competition. While DuPont might have stood firmly against I.G. alone, there was no way it could hope to take on both I.G. Farben and the Rockefeller empire.
But that wasn’t the final blow.
Standard Oil and I.G. Farben also struck a deal with Shell.
Why is this important – and even more importantly, why would the Rockefellers strike a deal with I.G. Farben?
To understand this, we need to go back to World War I.
Keys to the Cartel
One factor leading to Germany’s defeat in the First World War was its lack of petroleum.
You see, Germany didn’t have oil deposits within its territories, so it imported much of its oil from Romania. This was a crippling factor for Germany, especially after World War I when Romania’s oil fell into Britain’s and France’s control.
As such, Germany vowed never to rely on the outside world for gasoline.
But how could it accomplish this?
While Germany had no oil, it did have lots of coal. More importantly, it had some of the most brilliant minds.
One of those minds was Friedrich Karl Rudolf Bergius, a German chemist famous for the Bergius process, a way to produce synthetic fuel from coal.
With his discovery, I.G. Farben was suddenly in the oil business.
But instead of focusing its resources on this discovery and going into production, I.G. Farben instead used the patented Bergius process to gain advantages from existing oil producers – like Standard Oil.
Once Standard Oil saw the incredible process of turning coal into gasoline, it had no choice but to strike a deal with I.G. Farben or have the Bergius discovery compete with Standard Oil’s core business.
To Standard Oil, I.G. Farben’s discovery meant their patents could threaten the price of gasoline. Thus, if the two giants were to compete in each other’s business, it would only result in a race to the bottom.
In a price war, the winners would be the consumers. Surely, that couldn’t happen.
So a deal was struck between the world’s largest chemical producer and one of the largest oil producers in the world – a deal that would mainly consist of not competing against each other in the fields of chemicals and petroleum products.
This left DuPont little choice: work with I.G. Farben or face their newly formed might.
Shortly after the deal with Standard Oil, DuPont, and I.G. Farben concluded a series of limited cartel agreements.
By 1937, American I.G. owned a large chunk of DuPont.
As you can see, the winners are the largest of the large corporations and not the consumers.
And as we will reveal in future letters, this same cartel monopoly is alive and well today.
But the history lesson isn’t done.
In addition to controlling chemistry and petroleum, I.G. Farben also controlled the production of special metals, such as magnesium. By 1925, I.G. Farben had joined Griesheim-Elektron to become the world’s largest magnesium producer. But it didn’t stop there.
In 1931, I.G. Farben struck a deal with Alcoa (one of the largest producers of aluminum today) by creating a 50-50 joint venture company called the Magnesium Development Corp., or Alig, to develop and utilize processes in the magnesium and electro-metal field.
But again, it didn’t stop there.
While the cartel now controlled much of the global production of metals, chemicals, and petroleum products, it wanted more.
So, it entered into the world of transportation. And when seeking global control, you go after the biggest. And there was no one bigger than the Ford Motor Company.
As soon as Henry Ford decided to build a branch in Germany, I.G. Farben immediately bought almost all of the forty percent of stock Ford offered for sale.
As with most big stock purchases, investors with such a massive position almost always join the board of said company. And so, Carl Bosch, I.G.’s president, and Carl Krauch, I.G.’s chairman, both joined the board of directors of the German Ford Company.
But the cartel collusions didn’t stop there.
Surely, if I.G. Farben had ownership and board seats in Europe for Ford’s business, Ford should have similar in I.G. Farben’s American businesses.
And, so, Edsel Ford joined the board of the American I.G. Chemical Company alongside Walter Teagle, president of Standard Oil; Charles Mitchell, president of Rockefeller’s National City Bank of New York; and Paul M. Warburg, brother of Max Warburg, a director of the parent company in Germany.
With all of those conglomerates now connected to rule the most essential industrial industries, what sector could possibly be added to this cartel?
That’s right, as you saw in the names, banking.
Again, if you want to be the biggest cartel, you need the biggest banker.
And no one was bigger than Paul Warburg – a banker often thought of as the primary influence of creating the Federal Reserve. One look at his career and you can see the interconnected nepotism and influence at work.

As a result of this cartel network, the amount of companies intertwined with agreements with I.G. Farben grew in the thousands.

Just what else did they control?

In Germany, the cartel included the top six chemical firms and extended to virtually all heavy industry, including steel. Schmitz served as a director for both a massive arms manufacturer, Krupp Steel Works, and Europe’s largest steel producer at the time, Vereinigte Stahlwerke. Collectively, it has been documented that over 380 German firms were controlled by this cartel.

But it wasn’t only Germany.

Elsewhere in Europe, I.G. Farben controlled more of the largest chemical companies, including Great Britain’s Imperial Chemical, France’s Kuhlmann, and Belgium’s Allied Chemical.

These tentacles even extended into the United States.

Here are just some of the many names the cartel had significant agreements with in the U.S.:

Abbott Laboratories, Alcoa, Atlantic Oil, Bell and Howell, Borden Company, Carnation Company, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, Firestone Rubber, Ford Motor, General Drug Company, General Electric, General Mills, General Motors, General Tire, Goodyear Rubber, Gulf Oil, M.W. Kellogg Company, Monsanto Chemical, National Lead, Nestlé, Procter and Gamble, Remington Arms, Shell Oil, Standard Oil, Texaco, Union Oil, U.S. Rubber…

The list goes on…and on…

And the cartel didn’t just have influence via significant agreements; it also owned outright or held significant financial interests in companies such as Bayer Co. (makers of aspirin), Bristol-Myers, American I.G. Chemical Corporation (manufacturers of photographic film and supplies), Sterling Drug Company, Metz Laboratories, Hoffman-LaRoche Laboratories, Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Foods, and Squibb and Sons Pharmaceutical.

Again, the list goes on…and on…

There you have it: a string of interconnected figures who worked together to control every major industry in the world.
While this is just a small glimpse of one company and it’s global cartel involvement, it lays the foundation for understanding who is really in charge.
The culmination of the multitude of agreements was a transnational coalition of industrial and financial interests controlling vast global economic sectors. Their covert operations and strategic partnerships exemplify the true power structures behind economic systems, manipulating government policies and even scientific narratives to protect their interests.
While I.G. Farben has since been “dismantled” after World War II, many of the same cartel agreements exists today by many of the same players.
This alone is evidence of powerful alliances that still exist today and clearly shows how the industrial and financial elite wield enormous influence over every sector, including the health and well-being of global populations through Big Pharma.
We did not dive into Big Pharma in this Letter, but a quick glance at the organizations funding global health research will reveal many of the same players.
Together, they shape medical research, government policies, and even public perceptions.
The historical context in this Letter reveals a pattern of control and manipulation that persists today, highlighting the importance of questioning dominant narratives and seeking independent verification of purported truths.
So, while you think democracy and freedom exist, the bigger the government, the less free you are.
Every time you hear the government is here to help, they are only helping the ultra-rich through policies.
Just think about Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act or Trudeau’s massive spending spree. How have they helped citizens at all? Where did the money go?
Simply put, to the ultra-rich cartels.
In other words, through thousands of cartel agreements, the ultra-rich – the kings of the chessboard – continue to maintain complete global control by concentrating government power into the hands of a few.
It’s much easier to influence a few government officials than billions of citizens.
Comments 3
  1. Rigoberto Rojas
    Facebook Page
    My Picture Has A Big Beard Like Lord Moses Day.
    Please debate the 7 SEAL Rapture With Family And Friends, ETC.
    JULY 5th. 2024, FRIDAY, 3:23 P.M. EST

  2. This article left me wanting more information. Please elaborate on who exactly controls everything in today’s world. Who, as in individuals and organizations? While I can guess who is involved, I’d like to see this from you. Is it the WEF? or are they just the coordinators? Central banks? Big pharma? Big Oil? The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, who no one trusts is trying to grab power. Who Is Above them all?

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