Dear Reader,
Do not read this Letter if you do not have an open mind.
Because what you’re about to read will change the way you see this world.
My goal here at the Equedia Letter is to educate and inform investors about the macroeconomics and politics that affect our investments.
That is why this Letter is called Equedia – half of equal, and half of media: Equ(al)-(me)edia.
Today, I am going to share some information with you regarding the latest Coronavirus pandemic that will most certainly make you wonder what’s really going on.
It will give you a whole new perspective on what our future will soon become.
But more importantly, once you know, you can better protect your financial well-being before the next crisis hits – even if this one isn’t over.
You see, had we known about the COVID-19 coronavirus and its economic effects sooner, we could have made much better investment decisions…
…we could have sold before the crash.
…we could have cashed up for the potential opportunity of a massive rebound.
…we could have been much more prepared.
And I am telling you, we all could have.
Take Bill Ackman, for example. He just turned $27 million into a whopping $2.6 billion payday – all in one month.
Via Barron’s:
“Ackman’s Pershing Square Capital Management hedge fund laid out $27 million to buy credit protection on global investment-grade and high-yield credit indexes. The purchases, which were made late last month when credit spreads were tighter, carried limited downside risk but the potential for significant upside. Ackman said Wednesday that he finished unwinding the hedges on Monday, reaping $2.6 billion in proceeds.”
Of course, had I told you about the events leading up to the spread of COVID-19, I would have been called a conspiracy theorist.
Think about it…
If I told you last year that a new virus would spread that will shut down the entire world for a few months, surely you would’ve thought I was bonkers.
But that’s where we are today.
Please read this Letter in its entirety.
In the end, I am confident it will help you in the future. And perhaps it might change everything you thought you knew about the world.
Here goes…
A Timeline of Events
The following is a timeline of events that will appear crazy at first – but maybe not so crazy now that you’re quarantined at home reading this.
I won’t offer any opinions – just facts.
I want you to make your own decisions.
Let’s get started.
August 2019: The Shutdown
In August 2019, the U.S. military’s leading biodefense center at Fort Detrick was shutdown.
“Safety concerns at a prominent military germ lab have led the government to shut down research involving dangerous microbes like the Ebola virus.
“Research is currently on hold,” the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Md., said in a statement on Friday. The shutdown is likely to last months, Caree Vander Linden, a spokeswoman, said in an interview.”
For those who don’t know what Fort Detrick is…
“Fort Detrick, Md., was created in the middle of World War II and became the center for America’s biological warfare efforts. But that role shifted in 1969, the government says, to focus solely on defense against the threat of biological weapons.”
It also happened to be the C.I.A.’s base for Mind Control Experiments…
Via Politico:
“Directors of the CIA mind control program MK-ULTRA, which used Detrick as a key base, destroyed most of their records in 1973. Some of its secrets have been revealed in declassified documents, through interviews and as a result of congressional investigations. Together, those sources reveal Detrick’s central role in MK-ULTRA and in the manufacture of poisons intended to kill foreign leaders.”
But why was the lab the shut down?
Via N.Y. Times continued:
“The statement said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to issue a “cease and desist order” last month to halt the research at Fort Detrick because the center did not have “sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater” from its highest-security labs.”
Ok, so just a water issue? Maybe not…
“… In the statement, the C.D.C. cited “national security reasons” as the rationale for not releasing information about its decision.”
… The suspended research involves certain toxins, along with germs called select agents, which the government has determined have “the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal or plant health or to animal or plant products.” There are 67 select agents and toxins; examples include the organisms that cause Ebola, smallpox, anthrax and plague, and the poison ricin.”
In short, the precise cause of the shutdown was sealed for national security reasons.
A few months later…
October 18, 2019: Event 201
On October 18, 2019, a group of 15 global business, government, and public health leaders played a simulation exercise to see what would happen to the world if a pandemic occurred.
Via the Center for Health Security:
“Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.”
The event was supported by funding from the Open Philanthropy Project and comprised of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
And the players?
The players comprised of 15 very important people, including former deputy director of the C.I.A., experts, and officials from the United Nations and the C.D.C., former-Rockefeller and World Bank director, WHO and OECD officials, and John and Johnson VP, among others.
Now, to be fair, big names like the ones above have done these exercises before.
For example, there was the Dark Winter exercise in 2001 where experts portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on U.S. citizens.
Then, in January 2005, there was the Atlantic Storm exercise where experts used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack.
Then, in May 2018, there was Clade X – yet another exercise designed to “illustrate high-level strategic decisions and policies that the United States and the world will need to pursue in order to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.”
But what about Event 201?
Here is the Event 201 scenario:
“Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings. When it starts to spread efficiently from person to person in the low-income, densely packed neighborhoods of some of the megacities in South America, the epidemic explodes. It is first exported by air travel to Portugal, the United States, and China and then to many other countries. Although at first some countries are able to control it, it continues to spread and be reintroduced, and eventually no country can maintain control.
There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.”
The name of the pandemic disease was CAPS – short for:
Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome.
Highlights of the exercise can be found by watching this video put together by the experts:
On the same day Event 201 was held, The World Military Games opened in Wuhan.
Via Wikipedia:
“The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games and commonly known as Wuhan 2019, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China.[2][3]
The 7th Military World Games was the first international military multi-sport event to be held in China and was the largest military sports event ever to be held in China, with nearly 10,000 athletes from over 100 countries competed in 27 sports.”
Precisely one month later…
November 17, 2019
COVID-19 gets its first confirmed case in China – one month after Event 201 was held.
“The first case of someone in China suffering from Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, can be traced back to November 17, according to government data seen by the South China Morning Post.”
Could the elites at Event 201 have known about the potential outbreak of the coronavirus, or was it merely an exercise to prepare us for a pandemic?
Is it a coincidence that the Event 201 exercise, which simulated an outbreak of a coronavirus, happened right before the outbreak of COVID-19?
What do you think?
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Now, remember back in August when the lab at Fort Detrick was shut down? It turns out there was more to the story.
November 24, 2019
Via in November:
“The C.D.C., in its inspection findings, noted six departures from the federal regulations for handling select agents and toxins. One of those departures was the two breaches.
Another departure was that the military laboratory systematically failed to implement biosafety and containment procedures. In one instance, personnel deliberately propped open the door to the autoclave room while the employee removed biohazard waste.
“This deviation increases the risk of contaminated air from room [redacted] escaping and being drawn into the autoclave room, where individuals do not wear respiratory protection,” according to the report.
The report includes a large section redacted to protect against the release of a report or inspection of a specific registered person that would endanger public health or safety.”
Could the breach at Fort Detrick have contained an airborne-virus, such as the coronavirus described at Event 201?
Is that why Event 201 was held?
Again, I have no idea. I am simply asking questions.
Just keep in mind that the C.D.C., who shut down the military research lab, was a player in the simulation of CAPS.
Now that you have seen the timeline of events, what do you think is going on?
Conspiracies Aplenty
There are a lot of conspiracies surrounding COVID-19. Heck, many – including President Trump and numerous doctors and scientists – think we are overreacting.
But let’s dive in a bit more to find out why.
For example, could the shutdown of Fort Dietrich be the reason why Chinese officials have recently been spreading conspiracies that the U.S. army may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan through the military games?
“…Zhao Lijian, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, called attention to the admission Wednesday by Robert Redfield, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that some Americans who were said to have died from influenza may have actually died from the coronavirus (COVID-19).
“When did patient zero begin in U.S.? How many people are infected?” he asked. “What are the names of the hospitals? It might be U.S. Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! U.S. owe us an explanation!”
Why in the world would he make such a ridiculous accusation in front of the whole world?
Via continued…
“…One popular conspiracy theory that has emerged about the coronavirus is that American athletes participating in the Military World Games, an event held in Wuhan last year, may have brought the virus, either intentionally or accidentally, into China. There is, however, no evidence to support this accusation.”
Now, before you even consider that it could have originated from the U.S., remind yourself that there were 10,000 athletes from 100 different countries in Wuhan. Any single one of those athletes could have been patient zero – and that’s if the coronavirus came from the military games.
We’ll never know.
But we do know one thing: it is believed that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan, where the military games were held.
But that’s not where the connections end.
Wuhan is also the base of WuXi Apptec, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology research and development outsourcing company in the People’s Republic of China. The company was notably funded by George Soros, as per S.E.C. documents – and anytime George Soro’s name comes up, conspiracy theories almost always follow.
Now, you might do some research and then ask yourself, “George Soros doesn’t own WuXi anymore – I can’t find it in any of the recent filings.”
Well, the answer to that is he doesn’t own it – not directly, anyway.
Via Debtwire:
“… Boyu is also among a consortium that took formerly New York-listed medical devices WuXi PharmaTech private at a valuation of around USD 3.2bn.
…Boyu’s first USD fund raised USD 1bn in 2011, with investors including Singapore sovereign wealth fund Temasek, an investment fund of Li Ka-shing, and funds of George Soros, as reported.”
Turns out when WuXi privatized a few years ago, it was bought out by a fund funded by George Soros.
Was WuXi privatized so it didn’t have to reveal information on what it was up to? Maybe…
Now, I could continue to get into other details about WuXi and George Soros.
I could also get into WuXi’s partnership with Gilead Biosciences, who both endorses and is involved in a drug purchasing program called UNITAID – a program funded by both George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Of course, let’s not get too deep into conspiracy theories here as they can always be spun to make people look really good or really bad.
UNITAID, after all, was created to help developing countries afford expensive medicine.
Via the World Health Organization:
“The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes the official launch of UNITAID, the International Drug Purchase Facility being established by Brazil, France, Chile, Norway, and the United Kingdom. UNITAID is being established as an innovative funding mechanism to accelerate access to high-quality drugs and diagnostics for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis in countries with a high burden of disease.
WHO shares the key public health objectives of UNITAID as it seeks to assist developing countries in purchasing the medicines needed to scale up H.I.V., T.B. and malaria control programmes.”
It should, however, be noted that in 2019, China was recently included in UNITAID’s drug pool for the first time.
Furthermore, Gilead is currently working with the Chinese Health Authorities on trials of Remdesivir, a treatment for coronavirus.
Now, again, these companies are aggressively working on treatments against the coronavirus that could save the world from a pandemic.
In other words, I am not suggesting there is foul play. I am merely showing you the facts.
But what do all of these facts – regardless of what conspiracies can be spun from them – mean for our future?
A Potential Scenario for the Future
Over the past decade, I have told you about the world’s move toward a cashless society.
What does this have to do with the current pandemic?
Via Associated Press:
“A growing number of businesses and individuals worldwide have stopped using banknotes in fear that physical currency, handled by tens of thousands of people over their useful life, could be a vector for the spreading coronavirus.”
In fact, since the spread of COVID-19, I am sure many of you have tried using cash, only to be turned down.
Of course, the move toward a cashless society is inevitable – and pandemics such as the one caused by the COVID-19 disease undoubtedly enforce that future.
But that’s not all.
There is a swelling fear that in order to survive this pandemic, we must all be vaccinated – even if the numbers show that the majority of those who catch SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, show little-to-no symptoms at all.
“As many as six in 10 people infected with coronavirus may be unaware they have the disease, according to a number of papers studying the outbreak.”
And Via Futurism:
“What we’re learning from Iceland this week is as fascinating as it is crucial to fighting the coronavirus epidemic: That somewhere in the neighborhood of half of everyone testing positive for the coronavirus will show absolutely no symptoms.
… Needless to say, Iceland’s efforts are revealing fascinating and potentially lifesaving details about the virus. And via BuzzFeed News, it’s how they came to the striking conclusion about symptom rates, emphasis ours:
“Early results from deCode Genetics indicate that a low proportion of the general population has contracted the virus and that about half of those who tested positive are non-symptomatic,” said [Iceland’s chief epidemiologist Thorolfur] Guðnason. “The other half displays very moderate cold-like symptoms.”
Furthermore, one could easily suggest that the case fatality rate (C.F.R.) is drastically lower than what the media is making it out to be.
Well, if most people show little-to-no symptoms, and others display very moderate cold-like symptoms, they aren’t tested.
In fact, here in BC, Canada, I have friends who have been sick with many of the symptoms of COVID-19, who wanted to be tested but were turned away because they were mostly healthy individuals.
In other words, most of the COVID-19 tests are only performed on those who are very ill – which will undoubtedly cause a spike in the C.F.R. rate.
That doesn’t seem very logical to me.
What do you think?
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So where am I going with this?
A World of Information…Inside the Palm of Your Hand.
I bet that in less than ten years, the world will begin to announce a move to a digital I.D. system whereby all of an individual’s information – including bank accounts and vaccination history – will be implemented into a microchip.
Of course, it’s very difficult for that to happen if we all feel safe. But what if we don’t?
As outbreaks continue to threaten the world, people will be begging to be vaccinated – and they may have to be part of an ID program to get it. Furthermore, nations around the world will demand a quick and easy system to know if an individual has been vaccinated in order for them to travel between countries.
If you think I am crazy, think again.
This type of system is already being tested.
Via ID2020 Alliance:
“ID2020 unveiled its latest good digital identity program in partnership with the Access to Information (a2i) Program of the Government of Bangladesh, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and Gavi. Recognizing the opportunity for immunization to serve as a platform for digital identity, this program leverages existing vaccination and birth registration operations to offer newborns a persistent and portable biometrically-linked digital identity.
“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs,” said Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”
To offer a persistent digital identity from birth, the program will explore and assess several cutting-edge infant biometric technologies, unlocking a potential global public good. “Eighty-nine percent of children and adolescents without identification live in countries supported by Gavi,” said Seth Berkley, C.E.O. of Gavi. “We are enthusiastic about the potential impact of this program not just in Bangladesh, but as something we can replicate across Gavi-eligible countries, providing a viable route to closing the identity gap.”
“Digital ID is being defined and implemented today, and we recognize the importance of swift action to close the identity gap,” said Dakota Gruener, Executive Director of ID2020. “Now is the time for bold commitments to ensure that we respond both quickly and responsibly. We and our ID2020 Alliance partners, both present and future, are committed to rising to this challenge.”
Just what is the ID2020 Alliance?
Via ID2020:
“ID2020 is building a new global model for the design, funding, and implementation of digital I.D. solutions and technologies.”
And the people behind it?
Take a look:
Aside from the obvious players and names that keep coming up…Bill Gates/Microsoft…Rockefellers…UN… GAVI…there’s something much more interesting.
ID2020 was created in 2018 in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Today, in 2020, we have the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019: The “C.O.” stands for corona, “VI” for virus, and “D” for disease, according to the C.D.C. And the number 19 stands for the year (2019) in which the outbreak occurred.
What does ID2020 stand for?
Does ID stand for Identification? Probably. Does 2020 stand for the year 2020? I don’t know. Do you?
But I bet that in 2020, other nations will follow Bangladesh and begin rolling out test programs for digital I.D. implants.
In other words, the global COVID-19 pandemic and its upcoming vaccines could be the springboard for a global digital biometric I.D. system.
“Gavi (the Global Vacine Alliance), for its part, said at the time of the ID2020 launch that 89 percent of children and adolescents who do not have identification live where that organization is active — indicating that public health may be the springboard to giving people, at birth, the records they need later in life to participate fully in the global economy.”
More Food for Thought
Perhaps the current COVID-19 pandemic, Event 201, and ID2020 are just coincidences.
But they aren’t the only ones.
You see, Chinese officials first announced the discovery of a novel coronavirus named 2019-nCoV on January 7, 2020.
Then, on January 11, China announced its first death as a result of the virus.
On January 17, a second death was reported in Wuhan.
By January 20, a third death was reported, along with 200 infected.
On January 23rd, at the Davos World Economic Forum, a coronavirus vaccine program was announced with many partners already involved. Wow, these guys act fast.
Now, I am not a pandemic expert. However, three deaths as a result of a virus generally doesn’t scream pandemic – and certainly doesn’t scream for an immediate global coronavirus vaccination program, with partners already in place.
In fact, if you take a look at all of the outbreaks the WHO deals with on a yearly basis, you’ll actually be shocked. There were 119 alone in 2019, including Ebola. Take a look yourself:
WHO: Disease outbreaks by year
But after only three deaths, a global vaccination program is announced to tackle the virus?
Maybe these experts work quick.
What do you think?
Conclusion: What Now?
There’s no doubt that U.S. President Donald Trump was attempting to lay blame on China for spreading the coronavirus globally – he is, after all, in an economic trade war with China.
China, of course, is going to use its resources to push propaganda that it may have been the United States that caused this outbreak – it is, after all, in an economic trade war with the U.S.
No matter what your opinion is, we’ll never truly know the real answer. Some even say that the virus was manmade – even though one research says it can’t possibly be.
It would, however, appear that the U.S. or China is to blame.
But that’s where we need to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture.
You see, neither the U.S. nor China benefit from the coronavirus. Both economies have been hit extremely hard, and both are now resorting to extreme measures to protect not just their economies, but every one of their citizens.
When looking for answers, the simplest solution is to look from the top down: who really benefits from the coronavirus?
Not the U.S. Not China. Not any country, actually.
But the players involved in a global vaccination program and a cashless society certainly do, as do the banks who lend money to the most powerful nations in times of massive stimulus.
Think of the people involved in the creation of global vaccines and ID implants. They’ll have access and control over every individual’s vaccination records and finances.
And then think of the Federal Reserve, who will be lending trillions of dollars to the U.S.
When you look at it that way, is China or the U.S. really in control?
Given the massive stimulus measures now underway, I have no doubt that gold and other hard assets will skyrocket in value in the coming years. Furthermore, when money goes fully digital via biometric implants, hard assets such as precious metals will become the only real form of off-the-record wealth.
There’s a reason why central banks around the world have mostly been net-buyers of gold over the past decade.
In fact, 2018 marked the highest level of annual net central bank gold purchases since the suspension of dollar convertibility into gold in 1971, and the second-highest annual total on record.
This didn’t stop last year.
According to the World Gold Council, central banks were net buyers for a 10th consecutive year, with global reserves growing by 650.3t – the second-highest annual total for 50 years.
And if you think gold isn’t a safe investment, consider this: Gold is one of the few assets that is universally permitted by the investment guidelines of the world’s central banks.
It has also provided an average annual return of nearly 10% in U.S. dollars since 1971.
Not bad given the world is at near-zero interest rates, and likely for the foreseeable future.
Gold, Big Pharma, payment processors (think ANT financial, among others), and bioimplant technologies should be on everyone’s list of investment ideas moving forward.
I always end my Letter by saying, “Seek the Truth.”
Today, more than ever, I want you to do just that.
Seek the truth,
Ivan Lo
The Equedia Letter
Disclosure: We own gold and shares of gold companies, including THIS ONE, as well as other mining stocks. and Equedia Network Corporation are not registered as investment advisers, broker-dealers or other securities professionals with any financial or securities regulatory authority. Remember, past performance is not indicative of future performance. This article also contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements made in this article. We are biased towards gold and gold stocks because we own them. You can do the math. It’s your money to invest and we don’t share in your profits or your losses, so please take responsibility for doing your own due diligence and consult your own professional advisers before investing in gold or trading in gold securities.
I’m truly with you on this, I saw the Amazing Polly 201, I believe that the USA already knew about the virus. The Covid 19 was the one virus they talked about. Bill Gates now wants to put a chip into the vaccine so they can track the virus. The only way to do this is track the people. The richest people in the world are the most evil. I know that if we the people all went against them and take them down it would be a much better world.
what a bunch of crap is this real??
It is now! 2 years later..and we have vaccine passports, truths of lab leaks, wow!
You are kidding right! This is a smokie screen for those leaders who partake in a pedophile lifestly of the rich and famous. Trump is compromised and likely the front jerk for oligarchs who wanna fuck kids. It’s really not that complicated.
Definitely agree with the conspiracy theory that COVID 19 could have been prevented but instead I believe that it was a plan to cripple the global economy.
‘And then think of the Federal Reserve, who will be lending trillions of dollars to the U.S.’ But isn’t Donald Trump now the head of the Federal Reserve?
So what are you offering other than to ‘buy’ gold? What solutions/investiments or are you thinking we should just invest in a bunker?? You have made claims but have offered nothing but that. Not really worth the read.
I just would like to become a millionaire trading stocks and keeping my mouth shut Thank you.
I’m not an investor, but I always appreciate reading Equedia for the valuable insight it provides into global and political issues. Thank you providing a window for people to see the world in a different way.
Given all the facts that we know today. One would think that a vaccine has already been discovered. . I believe that we need to be very cautious going forward. Test on an as needed basis, treat everyone the best we can. I would suggest we use antibodies from the 90000 people that have already been infected and have recovered to help develop the cure.
Yes, The vast majority of it is. And anyone who does not think something like this
cant be true, IS A FOOL!
Well, one thing for sure that HK won’t see many protests anymore.
It’s all starting..take a look:
With respect to the assertion that neither China or the USA would benefit from the pandemic, that would only be true if it were also true that these countries value the well-being of their citizens above the well-being of the government itself and furtherance of the government’s goal of being all-knowing and all-controlling. I submit that is a questionable assumption.
Valid point – but why would any country want to Destroy its own economy? No economy, no taxes.
No Coincidence!
Absolutely moronic..take set of facts and through hind sight wrap a conspiracy theory around them..
I’m in Canada. In 2006, Health Canada put together a report, “Canada’s Pandemic Influenza Plan” in response to SARS. In that report, they described Covid19 perfectly – place of origin (Asia), its rate of spread, loss of life, and damage to the economy,etc. But the biggest takeaway, and in my opinion the smoking gun, the report emphatically stated that shutting down air travel early on was the crucial first action to take if any hope to contain the virus was the goal/outcome. We all know the outcome we got. How come its not the outcome that all the planning and reports were suppose to be aiming for – did I mention AIR TRAVEL.. The WHO in early FEBRUARY, “We don’t feel that restricting air travel is called for”. Whatever or wherever the source of this thing is, the ‘inaction’ of not shutting down international flights became the lid on Pandora’s Box, and they opened it in order to get the exact chaos that is ravaging us all now, both from a life and an economic outcome. They are pure evil.
Yes, the facts are all real.
Its the zionist jews who have controlled the central banks since the privately owned bank of england was started. Anyone who cant see the jewish names in control of the media, banks and politics is fucking brainwashed or scared of being called a ‘antisemite’ or ‘racist’. Two words used by jews to hide their work. World need to wake up and remove this parasite to all humanity.
Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen, anyone can include or withhold facts to support their theory. However since c-19 has invaded our country we will forever be changed. If we continue to practice social distancing perhaps the virus could be contained. Returning to normal would be our reward. Let us hold on for a while longer. It will be worth it.
Ivan wrote: As outbreaks continue to threaten the world, people will be begging to be vaccinated – and they may have to be part of an ID program to get it. Furthermore, nations around the world will demand a quick and easy system to know if an individual has been vaccinated in order for them to travel between countries.
It is now 2 years later and digital vaccine passports are being introduced. Ivan, spot on. Incredible!
We will never know. Still reading the whole livestream. Events don’t add up. When Soros ‘s name comes up my hairs stand up straight on end. He or his foundation has championed open borders. Ask him , has he open borders around his many homes. I can guarante he has walls , fences and electric gates plus all the surveilance cameras known to man. No mass movement of people through his land. Just for the “Swetty masses ” to endure.
These power mad billionaires, oligarchs and misguided philanthropists have too much money and time on thier hands. This idea of universal identity has been around since the mark of the beast and will never come to fruition, except maybe in some closed totalitarian society, because there is just too much political and economic conflict among too many disparate countries, ideologies and religions. How many Catholics do you think will submit to a vaccine/nano implant to “mark” them for life.
On top of that, this virus like all others has shown it’s vulnerable to natural immunity and will dissipate before any global scheme can be effected to mark everyone. It’s just not necessary. Yeah, some companies and unscrupulous politicians will make a killing marketing a vaccine, but the majority of people won’t participate.
Plausible, but where exactly is the cover up? Seems to me to be a lot of “open source” information available if those who proposed the “take down” intended to be covert. And it darned well would be if whomsoever, nihilists or nation states was behind it. I take of this with a grain of salt, strike that, make it with a large measure of salt.
Two men sounded the alarm. Chris Matheson of Peak Prosperity and Cliff High. Please see Peak Prosperity YouTube channel and Cliff High’s 3 interviews with Bix Weir at Take a ton of vitamin C !!!
Yes we are going in mixed up era full of confusions and fear , we do not know when will be controlled
The conspiracy theory is not new all colonial power they invaide to steel the wealth of other nations and did use war germs to be able to make population sick they fight against death but the invaders tried to vaccinate the people to implement their agenda
Ivan thanks a lot for this article! It’s eye opening, and confirms my take on this situation. Keep shedding light into this world.
Jews are blessed people, blessed by God Almighty. Anyone picking on jews is picking a finger in the eyes of God who said “they are My people”. If you don’t change your stance to jews – you will get a miserable life. Lord Jesus Christ is jew, blessed His name.
Digital ID, microchips are coming, but how they overcome human rights? Some uprising should happen.
…. it’s all about money and power, that what I don’t understand, why people are so greedy? Life is so short, why spend some precious moments of it fighting for miserable money if you can die any day? I don’t understand….
This article needs to be put on youtube
hello folks,
the US is now the epicenter like i said it would be last sunday
i know this would be the case as the US wanted to infect its population
and China happily agreed to assist as they are godless scum by virtue of being communists
(communism was the idea of a child of satan if you examine the blood of the one who created the idea)
remember the US is owned by the same satanic scum that used the greatest zionist (hitler) who ever lived
to wipe out the jews and kill 10’s of millions of christians because we christians loved killing each other
as they knew we would gladly do that as national pride was above serving the God we claimed to be a servant of)
just a few years ago the US requested the saudi’s to send over some nut bars so they could fly planes
into the WTC so they could use that as an excuse (false flag) and then destroy the mideast
so given the above we know the US would be so corrupt and evil …lets examine the logic as to why u would want
to infect the world with a virus
in 30 to 50 years the system would crash due to underfunded pensions
so since we know this to be a reality how would you solve it
kill off the old now so you would not need to pay them later is the reason this virus was made
the other reason was to bankrupt all the people who owned their own business so that the powers that be can
consolidate their power in totality by creating 2 classes the poor and super rich (no more middle class) as the best slave
is a poor one
the final reason is the usher in the new world order which is a few nations versus the 192 we have now as
when the economies of africa collaspe as they cant contain the virus will lead them to become one nation as is the case
with europe as it will implode due to the fact you cant save italy from its debts
the end game is when india collapses under the virus it will create the grounds for a war between india and pakistan as
that serves the interests of the people who created the virus …. this is the war i have been speaking about for years that
starts in and around 2025
the benefits to china is it eliminates its enemy india and america gets rid of the only muslim nation with nukes as the zionist
scum have realized that the christians today will no longer fight wars on their behalf
if it wasnt man made China would have multiple epicenters but they dont as that was the agreement
they made with the owners of the US who asked them to infect europe and the world
why is italy the epicenter in europe..its because rome is within europe and the goal of the zionist has
been to murder christians since time began as God sent Jesus to save the jews from the grips of satan and
because of this christians have been slaughtered whenever a chance presented itself (ie. wars)
this my friends is the future
i hope u stay safe as it will pass and the good news is we will be made poor but at least we wont be destroyed in a war
That’s two questions;
1. Could the elites have known… about the potential? Obviously otherwise they wouldn’t have been there.
2. Is it a coincidence that the Event 201 exercise? Yes, unless proved otherwise.
Thank you for this info, It Confirms what I see happening for a long time now, things will get really hot when
the 3rd Temple is up in Jerusalem, after all this battle has been going on since EA splashed down +/-
How to dominate the world quickly?
1. Create a virus and the antidote.
2. Spread the virus.
3. A demonstration of efficiency, building hospitals in a few days. After all, you were already prepared, with the projects, ordering the equipment, hiring the labor, the water and sewage network, the prefabricated building materials and stocked in an impressive volume.
4. Cause chaos in the world, starting with Europe.
5. Quickly plaster the economy of dozens of countries.
6. Stop production lines in factories in other countries.
7. Cause stock markets to fall and buy companies at a bargain price.
8. Quickly control the epidemic in your country. After all, you were already prepared.
9. Lower the price of commodities, including the price of oil you buy on a large scale.
10. Get back to producing quickly while the world is at a standstill. Buy what you negotiated cheaply in the crisis and sell more expensive what is lacking in countries that have paralyzed their industries.
After all, you read more Confucius than Karl Marx.
PS: Before laughing, read the book by Chinese colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, from 1999, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s master plan to destroy America”, on Amazon, then we talk. It’s all there.
Worth pondering..
Just Think about this…
How come Russia & North Korea are totally free of Covid- 19? Because they are staunch ally of China. Not a single case reported from this 2 countries. On the other hand South Korea / United Kingdom / Italy / Spain and Asia are severely hit. How come Wuhan is suddenly free from the deadly virus?
China will say that their drastic initial measures they took was very stern and Wuhan was locked down to contain the spread to other areas. I am sure they are using the Anti dode of the virus.
Why Beijing was not hit? Why only Wuhan? Kind of interesting to ponder upon.. right? Well ..Wuhan is open for business now. America and all the above mentioned countries are devastated financially. Soon American economy will collapse as planned by China. China knows it CANNOT defeat America militarily as USA is at present
THE MOST POWERFUL country in the world. So use the virus…to cripple the economy and paralyse the nation and its Defense capabilities. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi got a part in this. . to topple Trump. Lately President Trump was always telling of how GREAT American economy was improving in all fronts. The only way to destroy his vision of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is to create an economic havoc. Nancy Pelosi was unable to bring down Trump thru impeachment. ….so work along with China to destroy Trump by releasing a virus. Wuhan,s epidemic was a showcase. At the peak of the virus epidemic. ..
China’s President Xi Jinping…just wore a simple RM1 facemask to visit those effected areas. As President he should be covered from head to toe…..but it was not the case. He was already injected to resist any harm from the virus….that means a cure was already in place before the virus was released.
Some may ask….Bill Gates already predicted the outbreak in 2015…so the chinese agenda cannot be true. The answer is. ..YES…Bill Gates did predict. .but that prediction is based on a genuine virus outbreak. Now China is also telling that the virus was predicted well in advance. ….so that its agenda would play along well to match that prediction. China,s vision is to control the World economy by buying up stocks now from countries facing the brink of severe ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Later China will announce that their Medical Researchers have found a cure to destroy the virus. Now China have other countries stocks in their arsenal and these countries will soon be slave to their master…CHINA.
Just Think about it …
The Doctor Who declared this virus was also Silenced by the Chinese Authorities…
OK someone mentioned Donald Trump being head of Fed Reserve he is not . The Fed period is the cause of alot of loss of freedoms put together in early 1900s by private bankers and US president..but that’s a conspiracy for another time. What I’m reading is about this outbreak it could have been orchestrated here in the U.S. as well as China or maybe Soros and company had a big hand in it, I wouldn’t put anything past that bastard getting the stage set for global takeover. When I heard a friend in China say they heard hearsay that some of their leaders were blaming the U.S. Army I thought that was the most stupidest statement that could be made. But I had no idea world wide military games being played there. I don’t put anything anymore as unbelievable. WE’LL NEVER KNOW SO i”M NOT LOSING SLEEP ON WHO’S THE BLAME. but.. but there’s evil in this empire too and some evildoers that would LOVE to run this country down to chaos
I tried to leave a comment yesterday,but it was axed just before I finished. It was intentional and I guess it was too blunt and truthful. I will most likely unsubscribe. The old saying,”The Truth Hurts”, is so true. I wrote only the stark truth. Too bad you did not want to hear it,but I bet a lot of your readers would have.
I think your analysis is faulty at best and certainly damaging to the public’s understanding of the situation. Ft. Detrick is at the forefront in the fight to combat COVID19. They have an ongoing mission to prepare defenses for possible pandemics. It is always easy to suggest time links with events when one of the players is and has been working continuously in the field. You are doing much to create panic and distrust at a time when facilities like Ft. Detrick need support desperately.
Well Ivan, I think China made the COVID-19 virus for 2 reasons:
1) Their population is made up mostly of aging, unproductive people. The elderly are a drag on China’s economy. The elderly are more prone to die from the virus. So the young family members go to work, pick up the virus, go home and spread it to their parents and grandparents who are vulnerable and will die. Remember, the chinese custom is for the young to take care of their parents and grandparents in their homes. The government takes care of the healthcare, so killing the elderly will free up valuable resources for the government to spend on productive areas in order to become more dominant in the world.
2) China is not our friend. Having the virus spread to the US to kill and weaken as many of us citizens and hurt many businesses will help China advance their power on us and the rest of the world.
Hi Richard, We believe our point was actually quite valid, given that we never made an opinion about Fort Detrick – only, we gave the reasons why China was asking the US questions about it. Even Maryland’s senator asked questions about it, demanding to know what happened.
I do have to ask, as much as Fort Detrick has an ongoing mission to prepare for possible pandemics – can you name any scenario since their inception where they have actually helped – in any pandemics or outbreaks? Given we have over a hundred outbreaks per year, what profound breakthrough has Fort Detrick provided in preventing and dealing with outbreaks?
Valid arguments for sure Thomas W. But the other side could argue the same about the U.S. and its medicare and social security issues – which, perhaps, the age issue is more of a concern to the U.S.
Take a look:
I am not sure China cares about their old age population as much as the U.S.
If they are trying to kill a lot of old people so that they don’t have to pay the huge pensions money they owe and money they don’t have, well that ain’t working too well isn’t. As of today, 38,000 have died out of a population of 7.5 Billion and that’s a 4 month period. Let’s say, by really exaggerating that 1 million in 4 months have died already, times 3 for 12 months is 3 million in 1 year but I’m really overblowing the numbers here. Let’s say that 40% of the population is old, past 65. At that rate, it would take 3000 years to kill off all the old people and remember that out of 775,000 reported cases, only 38,000 deaths and 169,000 recovered. No, I think that trying to destroy the world economy is the number one option so that later they can control people better by exactly what is said, injecting us with a microchip using the new to come coronavirus vaccine or future pandemic.
Has anyone looked for antibodies in the blood of people from Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou.
Why has the greater population of China not seen the spread of the virus like elsewhere
A manufactured pandemic – any strain of corona virus can test positive!
“The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.”
Insider Exposes COVID-19 Coronavirus Scam
“…………………..The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.
If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus(es) kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a(n) osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis. And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus…………………………………”
I believe there is something going on with the mutation of the Corona virus . I remember a few years ago birds where falling out of the sky , whale , dolphins and sharks were beaching themselves. Then you start to hear about the 5 G network starting to roll out. The 5G network is huge , we will be able to have millions of people on this network with amazing speed. It comes with a cost , the radioactive waves cause our Immune system to be Compromise November 2019 China opened up the biggest 5G network. I believe that mutated the virus to transfer to humans.
The Elites are capable of anything and this pandemic might be a population control measure that people like Bill Gates have been warning about. My question is why they have dramatized this pandemic to such unprecedented levels of having to even ground planes and yet it’s statistics are no much for Ebola! Could covid-19 be just the beginning?
The majority of us have no idea or facts on how COVID-19 started and can only offer opinions or thoughts on the matter and that’s too bad.
I think it’s hard to fathom that the coronavirus was purposeful started or brought to Wuhan for Machiavellian reasons where the means justify the ends.
I mean to somehow think that by spreading this virus around the world, would be the catalyst into forcing society into a digital ID society is somewhat far fetching for me.
The way society is already going, we are almost there anyway so why bother creating a pandemic and threatening our very own existence.
There is no way in the world that this could be called a controlled experiment, but do believe that perhaps the US did want to put a scare in China, and or something went terribly wrong at some facility.
Excellent article.
More than two years later, what are you thoughts now? Did we not begin the process of a digital ID system – vaccine passports, along with Liberal’s new plant for digital ID passports? Sometimes, all it takes is to look at the data.
“. . . when money goes fully digital via biometric implants, hard assets such as precious metals will become the only real form of off-the-record wealth.”
I have been accumulating metals for some time. Lately, in view of the cataclysmic events now unfolding, one question keeps nagging at me: “Will the elites/banksters/globalists allow the “little guy” to obtain and preserve wealth via precious metals? Or will they be outlawed (reserved for CBs, etc), regulated to death, onerously taxed, or even confiscated?
The Chinese say that it was Maatje Benassi (USmilitary participant in the Wuhan games that brought the virus to Wuhan and is patient zero. She evidently was leading in a cycling race and crashed about 60% through the race, but still finished 8th. The Chinese say that the reason she crashed was that she was short of breath (virus), but anyone that is cycling is short of breath during a race. Her account is that she was hit from behind by another cyclist—so that statement by the Chinese fails to pass credibility.
Then they point out that the 1st patient in the Netherlands has the same last name “Benassi” and there is a connection—well it just so happens that person just returned to the Netherlands from Lombardy (Italy). So the entire conspiracy fails.
Why have the Chinese been destroying all records related to the outbreak on a municipal scale. Why did they level the Wuhan market immediately. The answer is obvious. They wanted to cover their tracks and destroy all the evidence. It allowed them to say anything they wanted to about the origin of the pandemic. The reality is that the virus came from their biowarfare facility in Wuhan.
Personally I think governments want to control the growth of their populations seeing that we will see food shortages soon
Thanks Red Dog for your non-biased input. It’s great to read a comment from someone who might not agree with what was written, but still engaged in meaningful conversation – as opposed to some who might just say “BS.”
The thought is that most of those in Western societies – especially in the U.S. and the Southern states – will not succumb to such invasion of privacy as digital implants in their newborns. I certainly wouldn’t want that for myself nor my kids. But if this pandemic, or the next, get’s worse, it will end up becoming a requirement. You are right that this may or may not have been created to achieve this result – regular citizens like us will never know.
Steven, I think there is certainly a strong case for gold to be outlawed or confiscated in the future, as it has in the past – just as guns could be as well. But, if that were ever the case, the confiscating authority – in our opinion – will have to pay for your gold in exchange for whatever currency is being used at that time. Again, just a theory, but we certainly do believe that could happen.
Please read this article to add to your conspiracy:
Very good analysis…excellent investigative journalism and reporting.
Whatever started this pandemic or whoever started it or how it started or why it started, one could come to only one conclusion, it is evil in origin whenever the motive is to lie, steal and murder. Jesus said the devil is a liar, a thief and a murderer from the beginning. There are lies around this whole thing, $12 Trillion was stolen and many people are being killed and murdered. No one opens Pandora’s box without considering the consequences.
You mentioned in the end of your article that there are, “opportunities for investment”. My suggestion is to invest in heaven and store up your treasures there. Another investment idea for all the readers here comes from Revelation 3:18: I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Here is another investment idea from Matthew 6:19-20 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.
Finally, having money is not sinful or evil, it is the “love” of money that is the “root of ALL evil. I personally believe this world wide pandemic is “allowed” by God as a plague or judgement to humble the rich and wealthy who think and believe they don’t need God. But I am not just pointing the finger at the lost world, this is also a wake-up call to God’s people. We are told that judgement “first” begins with the household of God. Another sign or judgement that is coming are the locusts in Africa, Middle East, South Asia and moving into China a few weeks ago. The earthquake last week in Idaho and Utah knocked off the trumpet on the Angel Moroni statue that is located on the iconic Mormon church in Salt Lake City. Most Christians do not agree that the Mormon doctrine or creed is Biblical. Just a final observation may be that most of the Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere may possibly be shut indoors during Passover because of this pandemic (plague). According to the book of Exodus, the Israelites sheltered in their home after placing the blood of a lamb on their doorposts as the plagues were being poured out on Egypt. When the angels saw the blood on the doorposts, they “passed over” those homes, hence the word Passover. Just food for thought.
May God bless you who read this, may he watch over and protect you and your family and give you His peace that passes all understanding. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of LOVE, of POWER and of a SOUND MIND…
I am absolutely convinced in my own mind that Bill and Milinda Gates along with a whole lot of other illumanatti’s like Warren Buffet[superme preist in the illumanatti, the Obama’s, and the Bush’s, etc are totally bhind the CV19.
I have two patents in my liftime. one is still active, and i am astounded that there is a PATENT on coronavirus!!!
It is owned by Bill Gates!
What say u guys?
Have you bothered researching what you say here? Because, no, Gates does not have a patent on coronavirus and he doesn’t own it.
The truth is painful but must be said. Appreciate the message.
Check out links below. Goes hand and hand to what is spoken here. The truth quite disturbing .
You can check out the other parts from you tube.
I am impressed with the effort you have taken to join the dots. To some degree this analysis confirms some of my thoughts that the United Nations is the source of any plan that will weaken the economies of the west. The U. N. Is made up of mostly poor third world countries. They continue to seek ways to have wealth transfer from the wealthier countries to those less wealth. For example the whole issue of global warming was based on the concept that rich nations will give the poorer countries money because the rich countries caused the global warming and the poorer countries will be the ones that will suffer. When the global warming issue lost traction then the concept was changed to climate change.
The climate change was tied to carbon dioxide or CO2. Many incompetent leaders such as Our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau bought into the farce and starred to find ways to shutdown the fossil fuel industry. To justify this claim they started to call CO2 a pollutant. The only leader that called out this farce was Donald Trump and he pulled the USA out of the this farce. Do you think there is any connection with the covid19 as another step in trying to destroy the fossil fuel industry and the economic base of the West? Is this a left wing conspiracy to socialize the world?
Ofc totaly all true !
Wealth and Power have been the two subjects we all seem to have been led to admire and heavily advertised to acquire. Not having a means to effectively survive without some attachment to this model or measured purpose has led us to a crumbling society as no proper conditions exist in a bull market of bad behavior. (don’t get me started on religion please)
The future will be a DRUGGED society with the producers and the dealers as well as the distributors profiting once again.
If you cant handle that, there is a drug for that too. The spread of disease has been around for centuries, its HOW it is spread and measured in TIME to control and ultimately distribute Wealth and Power once again.
So in September of 2019 over 380 people across US were diagnosed with mysterious lung illness. 6 died, and then, I guess, the vaps got fixed or something cause we didn’t hear anything about that anymore. So I was just wondering was that the pre-trail?
I think it is criminal i think its a conspiracy made in china to take control of the world without having a WW3 but by economic control.Have they not already bought 30-40 % of the world markets when the markets took a downslide recently ?? And if so what prevents them from taking another slice if it goes down again.China has the largest population in the world .Why wouldnt they want to control the whole world also. ?? Heaven help us.
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Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
Trulife Distribution – Nutrition Distribution helps our clients achieve success in a complex, competitive retail environment. Our team of nutrition industry experts takes care of everything from importation compliance to marketing, sales and distribution at the ground level. There is no need to navigate the complicated intricacies of the American market when we have already done the work. Let us use our experience to expand your brand and put your product into the hands of American consumers.
A year or two later & still not convinced in the conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was intentionally started to force us into a digital-ID society.
To think that govt’s were so smart in planning the fallout of the pandemic would compare to one of the most brilliant moves Kasparov every made & geniuses they are not.
As I said before, we are almost there. Take a look at the technological changes & advances today on our drivers license, health & credit cards, electronic signatures, mobile apps, AI, VR, cloud adoption, u name it, we are in a digital transformation age that will unfortunately mean more gov’t control of our lives & society at large.
The consequences of this pandemic have shown us that when things go awry, govt’s will take advantage of the populous by expediting their plans, processes & digital ambitions without meaningful backlash as seen from the protesters fed up with covid-19 regulations.
Charles Darwin once said that animals had to adapt or die which parallels or is a metaphor for the fallout of the pandemic in which govt’s, businesses & individuals alike, all forced to adapt quickly on an existing digital transformation underway.