We’re witnessing a remarkably similar chain of events right now that changed the world not long ago.
What’s happening today will make or break our financial future.
Let me explain.
Anarchy Arrives
By now you have heard of the Dallas police shootings where five police officers were fatally shot at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest for the deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota by the guns of officers.
It’s all over the news, so I won’t get into the details.
But I do want to bring you back to a Letter I wrote a couple of years ago:
“…I’d like to believe that in our modern society, race is no longer a segregation tool.
I’d like to believe that every American or Canadian citizen believes in equal opportunity, and thus, equality.
Unfortunately, as far forward as our society has moved, we are now going backwards as a result of certain puppet masters.
Throughout history, rulers have successfully used many strategies to maintain control; none more so than pitting one group against another.
By ensuring that citizens fight amongst themselves, the rulers of an empire never have to worry about a unified revolt.
In Niccolò Machiavelli’s book “The Prince,” he described a necessary, but dangerous game of internal politics, which involves the pitting of one group of citizens against another.
We have seen Machiavelli’s strategy used in many historical events.”
I go on to talk about the real problems brewing in America, including the most important: Economic Inequality:
“…Do we all need a reminder that during the financial crisis, politicians socialized losses, while allowing banks to privatize profits?
Do we need to be reminded that our rulers the government extended historical amounts of money to the banks who were the cause of the financial crisis, but did little to help the people who lost their jobs, homes, and families?
This is exactly what “they” want. They want us to be blind to the real problems in our society. And they do this by pitting us against each other; by using race as the focus of inequality, rather than economic inequality itself.
That’s because racial inequality pits one group against another, whereas economic inequality pits citizens against the rulers of an empire.
The more focused we are on racial inequalities…the less focused we are on the real inequalities separating America.”
It seems we have not learned from our many mistakes.
Today, things have spiraled out of control and we are now witnessing mass protests all over America.
Protestors against the cop shootings are growing in droves, yet no one has stepped forward about the innocent shooting of five cops – cops with families just like ours.
Unfortunately, my prediction for civil unrest as a result of a deteriorating economy in America is coming true.
From my Letter on April 15, 2012, “The Market Predicts Violence“:
“Early last year, I told investors to look at those who make guns because wealth destruction can lead even the sanest of men to do the wrong things. Desperation has a way of changing us all.
Take a look at these charts from two big gun makers:
Is the market telling us something? Is the market predicting violence?
The market will eventually tell the tale…”
Smith and Wesson is now trading at over US$29/share, while Sturm Ruger is now near US$70/share.
What’s the market telling us now?
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Economic Turmoil
Earlier this week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that employers increased payrolls by 287,000 in June. It was not only the strongest increase since last October but it smashed the 175,000 number economic analysts were expecting.
But are things really that great?
Not according to David Rosenberg.
Via Zero Hedge:
“…What if I told you that employment actually declined 119,000 in June and has been faltering now for three months in a row? Yes, that is indeed the case.
…Nonfarm payrolls surprised yet again but this time to the upside – surging 287,000 in the best showing since last October…when taking May and June together, they average out to be less than 150,000 versus the twelve-month average of 200,000…so even as the June data pulled a major upside surprise, the overall view that the pace of job creation is moderating remains fully intact.
…Historians will tell you that at turning points in the economy, it is the Household survey that tends to get the story right.
…When the Household survey is put on the same comparable footing as the payroll series (the payroll and population-concept adjusted number), employment fell 119,000 in June – again calling into question the veracity of the actual payroll report – and is down 517,000 through this span. The six-month trend has dipped below the zero-line and this has happened but two other times during this seven-year expansion.”
Rosenberg’s comments ring similar to a Letter I wrote in 2012, titled, “Another Record High: How Job Numbers are Derived.”
In that Letter, I explained how job numbers can often be misleading and how they could “coincidentally” turn positive when need be.
The fact is, the overall global economic climate is in big trouble and the US is no exception.
Examples? Sure…
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JP Morgan’s “recession indicators” are now at the highest level since the last recession.
The Cass Freight Index, a trusted measure of North American freight volumes and expenditures that provides valuable insight into freight trends as they relate to other economic and supply chain indicators and the overall economy, has been falling on a year-over-year basis for 14 consecutive months.
Total business sales have been declining since August 2014 – that’s nearly two years in a row.
The Fed’s Labor Market Conditions Index has been declining for five months in a row.
The Industrial Production Index, an economic indicator that measures real output for all facilities located in the United States manufacturing, mining, and electric, and gas utilities has been declining since November 2014.
And while last month’s job report blew away analysts, let’s not forget that the employment numbers in the month prior were the worst that we have seen in six years.
These are just some of the underlying deteriorating economic factors the US is dealing with.
Throughout history, economic turmoil is often the undertone for growing riots and protests.
So let’s go back to 1968.
A Year of Global Protests and Unrest
Via “The Economic Crisis of 1968 and the Waning of the “American Century“:
“In early 1968, the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression shook the Western world. The disruption exposed a variety of economic ills plaguing the U.S. and world economies, some of recent vintage but others with roots that reached back a decade or more.”
1968 also marked a year of global protests. There’s even a full Wikipedia page dedicated to the protests of 1968.
In America, no other protests were more prominent than those involving the Civil Rights movement. The movement eventually ended in April 1968, when Martin Luther King was killed. The Civil Rights Act was signed into law just days after.
Nearly 50 years later, we’re once again witnessing a similar fate.
In fact, the similarities between then and now are so vivid it’s scary.
In the US, riots and protests over race issues are once again on the rise and becoming more violent than ever. The nation’s economy continues to teeter and thoughts of an upcoming recession grow stronger every day.
Canada is No Different
In Canada, when Pierre Trudeau took office in 1968, Canada’s debt stood at just over $11 billion. By the time he was done, Canada was in debt by $157.2 billion – a 738.7% increase.
There’s more.
Via Jean Chretien Liberty, October 16, 2000:
“…The national debt grew from $11.3-billion in 1968 to $128-billion in 1984. The annual federal deficit went from zero to $25-billion. Ottawa’s spending rose from 30% of Canada’s total economic output to nearly 53%; our dollar plummeted from around US$1.06 in 1970 to 66 cents today. The unemployment rate has been running between three and five percentage points higher here than in the United States, and Canada reduced itself from being one of the world’s three richest nations 30 years ago (along with Switzerland and the U.S.) to one of the three leading debtor nations in the West, alongside Belgium and Italy.”
Following the massive government spend under the previous Trudeau regime, Canada struggled for years to keep up with debt payments. This led to higher taxes and reduced transfer payments to all provinces.
Today, under our new Trudeau, Canada will once again be going into a major deficit. Only this time, we’re in a period of low commodity prices – the backbone of Canada’s economy.
And although it won’t be soon, Canada’s interest rate will eventually rise; when it does, we will be left with a major debt load. Our only hope then is that commodity prices shoot through the roof.
I could go on, but you get the point.
What happened in 1968 should have taught us many lessons. Yet, here we are nearly 50 years later and both Canada and the US are running into a similar fate.
So how can we – the people who understand what’s really going on – protect ourselves from this ignorance?
There is one last comparable I want you to see.
Learning From the Past
Take a look at this chart:
In case you haven’t figured it out, the above is a chart for the price gold.
So let’s finish the excerpt from “The Economic Crisis of 1968 and the Waning of the “American Century.“:
“In early 1968, the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression shook the Western world. The disruption exposed a variety of economic ills plaguing the U.S. and world economies, some of recent vintage but others with roots that reached back a decade or more.
…The problems, both long-term and short-run, were tightly intertwined, and they culminated in March in a speculative run on gold that Time magazine called “the largest gold rush in history, a frenetic speculative stampede that…threatened the Western world.”
In 1968, the US experienced its largest one-year deficit since the World War II period.
In 2016 – for the first time since 2009 – the federal budget will increase in relation to the size of the economy.
Via CBO’s Summary of The Budget and Economic Outlook:
“In 2016, the federal budget deficit will increase, in relation to the size of the economy, for the first time since 2009, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s estimates. If current laws generally remained unchanged, the deficit would grow over the next 10 years, and by 2026 it would be considerably larger than its average over the past 50 years, CBO projects. Debt held by the public would also grow significantly from its already high level.”
During 1968, foreign central banks feared that the growing US deficit would make their dollars worth less, and sold dollars in exchange for gold.
Today, central banks around the world – including Russia and China – are doing the same thing once again.
Via The New Housing Bubble Just Began:
“We are now witnessing the fastest pace for a U.S. debt selloff by global central banks since at least 1978.
Via CNN:
“…China, Russia, and Brazil sold off U.S. Treasury bonds as they tried to soften the blow of the global economic slowdown. They each sold off at least $1 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds in March.
In all, central banks sold a net $17 billion. Sales had hit a record $57 billion in January.
So far this year, the global bank debt dump has reached $123 billion.
It’s the fastest pace for a U.S. debt selloff by global central banks since at least 1978, according to Treasury Department data published Monday afternoon.”
Meanwhile, we are witnessing the continued accumulation of gold by these nations.
In other words, nations are dumping US Treasury and buying gold.”
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Timing is Everything: Gold Portfolio Update
Last year in July, I said gold stocks were about to break through.
Today, numerous gold stocks are trading at or near 52-week highs.
Then, earlier this year in May when gold was smashed down, I said that we should expect a rally in gold and not to fall for the manipulated downward price movement.
A week after, gold immediately bounced back – as did many gold stocks.
Then, just last week, I issued a special report about my latest gold opportunity, emphasizing that the fallout from Brexit would send gold higher.
That opportunity was First Mining Finance (TSX-V: FF) (OTCQX: FFMGF) and I am glad we timed that one – having already missed the opportunity once before.
At the time of the report, First Mining Finance was trading at less than CDN$0.70.
In less than a week following that report, shares of First Mining hit a high of CDN$0.95 – an increase of more than 35%. Shares closed Friday at CDN$0.87.
Meanwhile, Integra Gold (TSX-V: ICG) (OTCQX: ICGQF), another gold stock in the Equedia Letter Portfolio* continues to make new highs, hitting a high of CDN $0.88 this week before closing at CDN$0.87 on Friday. Integra was added to the Portfolio last year at a price of CDN$0.34, for nearly a 160% increase.
*The Equedia Letter Portfolio represents companies introduced to readers within the last year.
Red Eagle Mining (TSX-V: RD) (OTCQX: RDEMF), a recent addition to the Equedia Portfolio*, which was introduced at a closing price of CDN$0.68, also reached a new high close of $0.83 this week, before closing at CDN$0.77 on Friday. I have a feeling that this one may soon take off – especially as it nears its first gold pour and paves its way into becoming a junior gold producer.
Despite all of these companies now trading near their all-time highs, they are still undervalued, in my opinion, at current gold prices. Some profit taking wouldn’t be a bad idea but if gold continues to climb – and many signs point to that being the case – these stocks could climb much higher.
And if gold does what it did following 1968, then we may be in for the opportunity of a lifetime.
Seek the truth,
Ivan Lo
The Equedia Letter
Disclosure: We’re biased towards First Mining Finance, Red Eagle Mining, and Integra Gold because they advertisers. We were granted and also continue to own options in these companies. You can do the math. Our reputation is built upon the companies we feature. It’s your money to invest and we don’t share in your profits or your losses, so please take responsibility for doing your own due diligence. Remember, past performance is not indicative of future performance. Just because many of the companies in our previous Equedia Reports have done well, doesn’t mean they all will. Furthermore, First Mining Finance, Red Eagle Mining, and Integra Gold and their respective management have no control over our editorial content and any opinions expressed are those of our own. We’re not obligated to write a report on any of our advertisers and we’re not obligated to talk about them just because they advertise with us.
Have a look at Rye patch Gold RPM -TSXV
Too bad Canada sold sold its gold, eh!!!
Do you think that the NATO move into Latvia is a ploy not only to neuter Russia as much as possible but probably mostly to divert us from what is really happening with worldwide debt (particularly the USA??
If my memory serves me correctly the gold price spike after 1968 collapsed in half catching many people before the massive run up in prices commenced in the 70s – and the 1974 bust was actually more damaging than the 1968 blip, especially in construction and banking. Your graphic is not clear on this. Present circumstances cannot be compared because in those days there was less interference by Central Banks and money had not been totally captured by them. Today money is a joke but the means of suppression available to ensure compliance with thought bubble paradigms means the joke is on us, unfortunately!
We are entering a period when Facebook and Google can cause more personal damage to our welfare by selective prejudices or denial of service than a massive sunspot or space warfare. Not to mention our Governments treating citizens like a big feedlot or mushroom farm. When people get hungry the social contract that gave rise to the idea of the State and citizenship collapses. Maybe the idea of a State is already becoming redundant in favour of a plutocracy for those in control.
Gold is only valuable to those who can afford it in times of stress. As surveillance and control improve the stress goes away – maybe for generations before the natural cycle of random fractals results in system collapse or mother earth rebels 🙂 Until then Gold may be an option for the dispossessed but only if it goes underground in a black market…hmmm.
Markets keep repeating the same song over and over…It is almost like the elites cannot help hide their moves.
January action spoke the truth again that something big is in the works… The brits exit from Europe. but it also said something about the repeating the move Go back in memory and do your own replay…This recent pullback is the sign given for the large correction comes oct-Nov..
Everything is calculated and measured so that things happen for a reason…Economic and racial unrest is definetly a game played over and over. so read the signs…
CYCLES: 1908-2008;;;;;1913 war-2013 war;;;;;; 1922–2022 recovery; rates to climb….;;;;1929–2029
If one squares root the dates and keeps adding one gets interesting numbers that fall in place…