The Real Reason for War in Israel
Dear Readers,
Everything is connected. What happens on one side of the world can, and will, affect things on the completely opposite side.
And given the speed of information, the causality of negative events grows increasingly powerful.
Over the past few years, I have outlined what I believe to be a global uprising against the powers of the West – in particular, against the United States and its dollar.
At times, it may be difficult to believe some of my research; much of it seems so far fetched that it belongs in the fiction section of the library.
But here we are and things are growing increasingly dangerous.
Syria’s ongoing civil war has already led to more than 100,000 deaths, while Ukraine’s crisis continues to grow as civilian casualties pile up.
I have already discussed the real reasons for wars in both Syria and Ukraine.
With headlines now focused on Israel, I thought it would make sense to show you another side of the conflict.
The Real Reason for War in Israel
Israel lies in the heart of the Middle East, where energy conflicts rule the lives of those living there.
While you have heard of the long standing Arab-Israeli conflict, what you may not have heard is the amount of oil and gas situated on the borders of Israel which could reap billions for whoever gains control.
Before I continue, I am not stating that the primary reason for war in Israel is primarily over oil and gas. That would be foolish.
The Arab-Israeli conflict has spanned more than half a century and religious and political aspects – or should I say faith-based political control – are deeply rooted in the war.
But what about American involvement? Is the U.S. simply acting asjust a peacekeeper?
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Throughout history, the U.S. has provided more than $700 million to Israel’s missile defence system, the Iron Dome..
But soon, this amount will rise to nearly $1 billion as Obama administration’s has just requested another $225 million to replenish the system.
But why?
As I mentioned before, there is no free lunch. When a country interferes with another, it asks for things in return.
Why would the U.S. spend nearly a billion dollars on a defence system outside its borders?
Since Israel is situated in the middle of major oil and gas corridors, right in between the world’s largest oil and gas fields and Europe (the second largest consumer of oil and gas), the United States needs to have a presence there to protect its interests – and, in turn, its Petrodollar world reserve status.
So other than its geographical location, what makes Israel so important?
The Levant Basin
Over 40 per cent of Israel’s electricity depends on natural gas, with consumption rising year-over-year.
Previously, much of Israeli gas came from Egypt, a nation with many conflicts of its own, including repeated suspension of gas supplies to Israel due to attacks on the Sinai pipeline, and the near-depletion of Israel’s offshore Tethys Sea gas fields.
This made Israel’s number one supplier of gas a very unreliable supplier.
Israel has struggled to keep up with rising demand. As a result, it has been forced very quickly to develop other gas projects to supply its own use, starting first with the Tamar gas field in the Levant Basin, just off the coast of Israel.
The Levant Basin

Israel began gas production at the Tamar gas field in 2013. However, current contracts completely utilize its entire capacity, which means another source of production is needed.
A few years ago, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated that the undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Levant Basin Province, just off the coast of the Gaza strip (where war wages on and civilians continue to die), could be as big as 1.7 billion barrels of oil and a mean of 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas.
The Leviathan Gas Field
Together with the Tamar gas field, the Leviathan gas field could transform Israel into a major energy power in the Middle East.
The problem is every one wants a piece of the action.
Over the past 15 years, there have been major hurdles in developing the Leviathan.
The project was first handed to Britain’s BG (British Gas) Group, a Western-controlled entity with major influence from the UK and the U.S., when the late Yasser Arafat signed a 25-year deal on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), granting 60 per cent rights to the BG Group.
However, since relations with Hamas and the PA weren’t exactly friendly, things have never been settled. The relationship was so poor that Israel would rather buy gas from conflict-ridden Egypt just to avoid buying gas from the Palestinian field.
After more than a decade since the exploration contract was granted to the West, nothing has happened.
Time and time again, the BG Group, in addition to the British and US governments, attempted to find solutions to move the gas field project forward only to fail.
Let the War Rage On
The Gaza war has been going on and off for years. But do you know why it was reignited this year?
Just last year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finally granted approval to develop the Leviathan gas field, in hopes of creating joint economic interests between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
The development of the gas field would help avoid another energy crisis in Israel.
However, if the Palestinians were to reap the benefits of gas from along the Gaza strip, the economic implications could make a Palestinian nation-state more viable.
The funds from gas sales – as well as political negotiation power with other nations – would likely make the controller of the gas field the dominant power in the region.
This is why the current war in Gaza will only continue to get worse until there is clear control – a control that cannot be had without influence from larger supporting nations.
Russia vs. the United States of America
Now I have already talked about the battle between Russia and the U.S. and how Ukraine and Syria have both been affected by the two nations.
In short, the U.S. wants control of those areas so that it can coerce Europe into buying gas from the U.S. instead of Russia.
Since the war in Gaza cannot be won without help from larger nations, you can bet both Russia and the U.S. is involved.
The nation that helps Gaza through this conflict will surely be considered a savior of Israel and gain worldwide recognition as a world peacekeeper. And gain control of more oil and gas resources and corridors in the Middle East, of course.
Russia’s Gaza Involvement
Earlier this January, Russian President Vladimir Putin met withPalestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
The meeting was a prerequisite to officially sign an investment agreement aimed at developing the Gaza offshore gas, as well as a public shot to the West regarding whose in charge.
Abbas announced in Moscow that he is dealing with Russia because it is a major power, stating “We are happy to see that Russia is an active and influential power on the international arena…we would like to see Russia playing a leading role in the Middle East, since it is a major power.”
Of course, Abbas is dealing with Russia because Israel is dealing with the U.S.
Russia already has foothold in the Levant Basin, when it signed a 25-year agreement with Syria last year that gives Russia’s state-controlled Soyuzneftegaz exclusive exploration, development and production rights over 850 square miles of Syrian waters.
If you look on the map, you’ll see that the Levant Basin is off the coasts of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Cyprus (Russian-influenced) and the Gaza Strip.
With the Syrian deal, Putin has strategically entered Russia into an untapped resource-rich region in the Levant Basin, which will soon become a strategic energy source that could open up new supplies of natural gas to Europe.
I have already told you that Obama is relying heavily on LNG sales to Europe to pay off America’s extravagant spending.
Imagine what would happen to the potential of U.S. gas sales to Europe if Russia has yet another way to send (cheaper) gas to Europe?
When the Leviathan begins production (scheduled for 2017), it will not only supply Egypt with gas, but it could also potentially supply Turkey, which could then supply Europe.
If Russia can gain yet another foothold in this project, the dreams of U.S. LNG sales to Europe will further diminish.
Now do you see why Russia continues to support the Palestinians, while the U.S. continues to fund and support Israel?
You wonder why U.S. sanctions continue to be imposed on Russia?
You wonder why Russia has now suggested that it may ban imports of chicken* from the U.S. and fruit from Europe and is investigating McDonald’s Corp. (MCD) cheese for safety?
(*Russia was the second-largest market, after Mexico, for U.S. chicken last year, according to the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council.)
All of this political drama between the U.S. and Russia won’t stop until there is a clear winner in the Middle East. With so many corridors to control, I don’t suspect it will end fast, or friendly.
Be prepared for worse.
What do you think is going to happen?
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Russia Continues to Bypass the Dollar
Over the past few years, I have talked about all of the nations working together to bypass the dollar in world trade.
A few weeks ago, I talked about how the BRICS nations were working together to diminish the strength of the dollar.
On Thursday, Russia’s central bank issued this release (Google-translated):
“As a priority area discussed the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. Given the urgency of the issue and the interest of commercial structures of the two countries, the meeting decided to establish a working group to develop a mechanism for the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. It will consist of representatives of banks and, if necessary, the ministries and departments of the two countries to coordinate its activities will be central banks of Russia and India.”
In other words, Russia and India are now working together to use their own currencies in settlement to bypass the dollar.
Whatever happens on that side of world, will affect us over here. Pay attention.
BOJ Front Running
On many occasions in the past, I have outlined very simple strategies – all with great success – on how to benefit from Japanese stocks by front-running the Bank of Japan.
A few weeks ago, I told you to front-run the Bank of Japan after it announced that it would openly buy stocks in the Japanese market, in particular, the Nikkei 400. Here’s the latest chart:
it is not the U.S. that is the problem, but those that are in charge of the U.S. they and the people in charge of a lot of big banking—north America and Europe–are at the root of the problems. these people will do anything to gain more wealth and money and for what? in a short time a lot of the world will be fed up with them and start to revolt. l only hope l am still alive to either see this or take part in this revolution. the U.S. is no better than Russia when it comes to getting power in other countries. something the U.S. is good at is instigating unrest. lets hope will not get to this stage.
The revolt is already happening. Countries like Argentina are pissed off but the bigs like China and India are the real threat. Its all happening now
The US never does anything unless there is something in it for them. There are many poor countries that have dictators killing thousands but the US never does anything there because there is no oil or other resources they need in those countries. The US is slowly being passed by China as the leader of the world just as the US passed Great Britain previously.
If you can apprise me of a country on this planet that has been any more benevolent or generous I am open to hearing. China is a communist Governed county and will Never be the world leader and this structure ( communist) will not allow that. America IS/WAS BLESSED as long as it assisted Israel. As of Sept 11, 2001 God’s umbrella of protection was removed from America as it has become fiscally and morally bankrupt. Now your best preparation should be to deal with God’s Judgment as it will soon arrive on America. Either prepare or just put your head between knees and kiss nearest thing good by.
I don’t have hard facts, but I would think the US has contributed vastly more than 1 billion dollars to Israel.
Bottom line gasoline will hit all time high again…
Paul is right. The USA has contributed much more than a billion dollars to Israel.
Since 1949…The USA has given 120 billion dollars to Israel. The average aid package to Israel is 3 billion a year.
Apologies. It was a typo which has been corrected. Thanks for pointing it out.
The near billion dollars was spent on Israel’s missile defence system alone.
I fear that we are sailing in uncharted waters. With the increasing successes of the so called ISIS (or whatever they call themselves) we may very well be in for a rude shock regarding fuel prices.
Why the price of precious metals does not respond makes me believe that certain banks are acting on behalf of the US Federal Reserve and shorting gold continually – that is whenever it appears to be about to break out. Their reason for this is simple. They do not want people to lose faith in paper currencies.
It is true that there is oil and gas off the shores of Israel. However, the support of Israel is founded in the Christian belief. The bible says we are to support Israel. Those who do shall be blessed. On the day of Judgment we shall all, including nations, give an account for our sins as well as how we treated Israel. Israel meaning not just the country but the Jewish people as a whole.
Our history shows that many of the original explorers of this country were looking for the New Jerusalem spoken of in the bible. Obviously its not here. It was their desire to see it established. In the 1830’s, a man named George Bush(not known if he is any relation to the present day Bush’s) wrote a book on the responsibility of the U.S. to reestablish the Jewish people in the original land of Israel. That occurred in the early 1950’s. Jesus said the judgment for Israel rejecting and crucifying Him was that they would be conquered and sold throughout the world as slaves, not to be brought back until the last days. Those words are being fulfilled. Israel was conquered about 70 years after His death. The Israelites were sold off throughout the world as slaves. Now, nearly two thousand years later, they are returning to Israel. The blame for the trouble in the middle east is on the patriarch Abraham spoken of in the book of Genesis. He was promised a son to become the father of God’s nation. At 100 he still did not bear the son. So his wife Sarah convinced him that he should sleep with her maid Hagar to bare the child since she thought she was to old. Hagar and her son Ishmael tormented Sarah to the point that she and Abraham’s people demanded them to be thrown out in the desert. God told Abraham to do it. Just when Hagar thought she and her son would die, an angle of the Lord came and told her to fear not, God would keep them alive, and Ishmael would become the father of a nation also, but that Ishmael’s people would be at war with Abraham’s son Jacob’s nation. That is why the Arab world is always wanting to kill Israel. It has nothing to do with anything else. They both claim linage to Father Abraham, and they are both right. Jacob was born through Sarah after Ishmael was born through Hagar. It is Abraham’s sin that caused the two son’s to be at war. One is the legitimate child and the other is the illegitimate child. But God loves them both. Both can accept Jesus as Lord and find God’s salvation, but they both reject Him. Of course, so does most of the world. There will be a massive war that some of you have commented about. Why? Because the nature of man is evil always. And America will probably fall as the world power. Why? It’s in the bible again. The book of Daniel speaks of the man made of clay, iron, copper, wood, ect. He represents the different nations that shall rule over the world and all shall be brought down in their own time. Ours is coming. When China does rise as the world power, evil will be in full control. Things will seem great for a little while, but then evil shall bring, in due time, massive destruction across the world. That will be the fulfilment of the book of Revelations. Adolf Hitler will look like a saint compared to the one who is to come. However, Adolf Hitler did say “the masses of the people would sooner believe a large lie than a small lie.” Jesus said it as “they shall no longer believe the truth, but have ears itching unto lies.” So most will reject what I have said and believe the lies which shall bring about Armageddon. I to, will face judgment for my sins, and I am fearful of that day. However, I have the hope of Jesus that I might be saved. It’s up to Him, not me. And before you think I’m some rich man who is trying to subject the poor to my rule, forget it. I have been facing judgment for 17 and 1/2 years of a massive headache that no doctor has been able to cure. I have not worked for two years, and only worked a few months a year for the 3 years before that. I exist only because my family lets me stay in their house and because God refuses to answer my plea to let me die that this may be over.
I do believe that we may well be in the end of times and that China will invade the Middle East some time into the future, possibly even less than a decade away
I am not particularly religious but I do believe that there is much truth about what is written in the Scriptures. One example I always remember is when Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal. This was quoted by one of my teachers at high school “Pharaoh said: My river is mine own and I have made it for myself”
Today I looked back at how oil prices has affected the shares of some oil companies in India and i was amazed that when the crimea becomes autonomus republic on 21 March and since then the shares have been moving towards north. And today it stands on a breakout. Well for the first time in recent years, even after so much negative news the markets of all countries are performing well even discarding taper talks. The whole conflict is now over the energy, the one who owns it can dictate it. Now the problem is US is losing its position and a group of economies are coming together to overcome the dollar. I think US has now over-leveraged its position as superpower and only time will tell who wins but till then I am sticking to the Equedia Investment letter. I actually never thought how wars are now directly related to oil/petrodollar till i read Equedia. Lastly I think there would be a time when Germany would have too choose between US vs Russia and that might be the final nail in the coffin.
Simple answers to complex questions leave much unsaid. A comment by Tom Donolan to Charlie Rose last week about the Obama buildup in the Middle East to prevent Iran from gettingnukes through the use of military action seems to have been bypassed in the discussion. Does anyone have additional info on this?
I look forward to your letter and ednjoy reading it, keep up the good work.
This war last for over 60 years now because Israel is living on stolen land from the Palestinians and keep stealing land despite of UN resolutions requesting Israel to withdraw from these stolen lands.
USA and Canadian support to this genocide is criminal and is a major factor why this conflict last forever.
Any other justification for this conflict is ‘de-information’, and is another criminal action and reason why this conflict last so long.
Canadian Prime Minister visited Israel with a monetary gift just before the war started.
We Canadians are supporting this war just the same to test the affectiveness of the Iron Dome weaponary .
We are a peacefull country so much for what politicians do on their own or is it instructions for the powers of be (Governal General in behalf of the monarchy U.K.)weaponary.
This is a message to the world that Israel borders will not be penetrated and so that the west will eventually control the corridors there.
We have enough to stand as a sole country and practice true Freedom & Evolution of the souls living here.
Direct Government could solve these issues.
We are a country of self sufficiency in total. There are folks who can achieve this peacefully and definetly not by the current status quo of politicians
Because of a few we live in a society of pain and conflict. When are we going to get it right.
Its 2014 and changes to the corporate believe system is needed.
Israel is anything by our “ally”. Israel is, in fact,
our enemy. There are not the “only democracy in the
Mideast” at all. They are a Marxist theocracy, and
don’t even have a constitution.
We give Israel billions of dollars of America tax
money every year. We shouldn’t give them a penny!
They have the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons- all
at our expense- and don’t want anyone else to have
any nuclear weapons.
We should end all aid to Israel permanently and forever.
Israel is the cause of all the Mideast conflict. Israel
is the reason we attacked Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan,
and the other countries we invaded. Now Israel wants us
to attack Syria and Iran. All for the benefit of a
greater Israel.
Roger Mason
Leland, NC