Inside the Lab That Could Solve the World’s Plastics Problem

Plastics are everywhere in our lives, but those bottles, utensils, and electronics can take hundreds of years to decompose. Since the material is too useful to abandon, we’re faced with two problems: how can we develop environmentally friendly products, and how do we clean up the plastics we’ve already discarded? Bloomberg travels to a materials lab in Minnesota and a recycling plant in California to find the answers in this episode of Unsolvable.

Plastics are everywhere in our lives, but those bottles, utensils, and electronics can take hundreds of years to decompose. Since the material is too useful to abandon, we’re faced with two problems: how can we develop environmentally friendly products, and how do we clean up the plastics we’ve already discarded? We travel to a materials lab in Minnesota and a recycling plant in California to find the answers in this episode of Unsolvable.


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